Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

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Milwaukee, WI – Nearly 500 people marched to Senator Tammy Baldwin's office in downtown here, July 18. The emergency rally was organized in opposition to Israel's ground invasion of Gaza, which began July 17. The Milwaukee Palestine Solidarity Coalition, who organized the emergency response, said it was the largest rally for Palestine ever held in Milwaukee.


By C. R. Manor

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Salt Lake City, UT—The streets of Salt Lake City become yet another site of struggle for Palestinian freedom. Over 200 people rallied at the Wallace Bennett Federal Building to denounce Israel’s collective punishment of Gaza. The message was loud and clear: the Israeli occupation of Palestine must end.


By Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following July 15 statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:


By Preston Gilmore

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Clarksville, TN – On Wednesday, July 16 a small group of Palestine solidarity activists gathered here to say, “Free Palestine!” The protesters are demanding an immediate stop to the attacks on Gaza by Israel and an end to US military aid. Holding a banner that said, “Clarksville stands with Palestine” the group chanted, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” and “Free, free Palestine!”


By Jonathan Waring

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Gainesville, FL — On July 16, sixty University of Florida students and Gainesville activists marched from the Alachua County Courthouse to Gainesville City Hall to protest the recent US-backed Israeli attacks on Gaza.


By Anti-War Committee - Chicago

Chicago, IL – At 5:00 p.m. on July 16, a group of activists from the Anti-War Committee – Chicago (AWC), the 8th Day Center for Justice, the American Friends Service Committee, the Episcopalian Peace Fellowship, and Jews for Justice in Palestine, entered the Boeing Company building and refused to leave. They went there to deliver a message: they oppose the Boeing Company providing weapons for the Israeli siege of Gaza. The action was initiated by Jewish Voices for Peace, as one of a number of actions happening around the country in response to the vicious assault by Israel.


By Jafe Arnoldski

Tucson protest of Israel’s war of terror against the Palestinian people

Tucson, AZ – On July 11 more than 60 people protested Israel’s war of terror against the Palestinian people. Those gathered demanded justice and the return home to Tampa, Florida of Palestinian American teen-ager Tariq Khdeir, recently beaten by Israeli police until he blacked out.


By mick

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Minneapolis, MN – More than 300 people gathered in the Cedar Riverside area here, July 14, to oppose the U.S.-backed Israeli war on Palestine. Braving a torrential rainstorm, protesters were met by enthusiastic support from passersby in the mainly Somali neighborhood.


By Redacción

Protesta pro-Palestina en San Salvador, 11 de julio 2014

San Salvador, El Salvador – Manifestantes se concentraron frente a la embajada de Israel en San Salvador el 11 de julio para expresar su solidaridad con el pueblo palestino, y para protestar el ataque militar de Israel en Gaza. Los manifestantes mostraron banderas palestinas y carteles condenando el ataque de Israel contra los palestinos. Esa fue la segunda protesta ésta semana frente a la embajada de Israel aquí. Uno de los organizadores de la protesta de hoy, Logan Kenpo, dijo, “nosotros aquí en El Salvador, hicimos una convocatoria de jóvenes, estudiantes de la Universidad de El Salvador, amigos de facebook entre otros y hemos decidido concentrarnos acá en repudio a la masacre y al silencio y la injusticia que sufre el pueblo palestino y al genocidio que impulsa el gobierno de Israel apoyado por el gobierno de Estados Unidos.”

#SanSalvadorElSalvador #SanSalvador #AntiwarMovement #Gaza #Palestine #ElSalvador #MiddleEast

By staff

Milwaukee protest in solidarity with Palestine

Milwaukee, WI – Over 400 people rallied in solidarity with Palestinians who are resisting the wave of Israeli violence here, July 11. Protesters spoke out against the ongoing bombings in Gaza, kidnappings and murders in the West Bank and the continued illegal occupation of Palestine. They demanded an end to the $3.1 billion the U.S. provides to Israel every year.