Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Washington, DC – On May 16 the U.S. Treasury Department added Syria’s privately held Al-Dunya Television to the sanctions list, effectively banning it from cable TV in the U.S. A statement from the Treasury Department indicated that it was unhappy with the stations coverage of the Western-backed war on Syria.


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Say: ‘No more aid to Israel”

Minneapolis protest marks anniversary of Al Nakba.

Minneapolis, MN – 40 people gathered outside the Federal Building here during rush hour on May 15 to protest the 65-year occupation of Palestine by U.S.-backed Israel. With signs and chants, protesters called for an end to the occupation, an end to U.S. aid, and the right of return for Palestinians who have been forced from their homes.


By staff

Say: ‘No more aid to Israel”

Minneapolis protest marks anniversary of Al Nakba.

Minneapolis, MN – 40 people gathered outside the Federal Building here during rush hour on May 15 to protest the 65-year occupation of Palestine by U.S.-backed Israel. With signs and chants, protesters called for an end to the occupation, an end to U.S. aid, and the right of return for Palestinians who have been forced from their homes.


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_Sign-on statement: Stop freezing US/Cuba Labor Exchange funds _

The U.S. government is escalating its attacks on socialist Cuba and U.S. residents who try to travel there. These attacks have now been directed at U.S. labor union activists. Five U.S. union activists who tried to register to participate in the U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange in Havana, Cuba over May Day had their funds frozen and seized without explanation by the Labor Exchange’s bank, Charter One Bank in Detroit, Michigan.


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Fight Back! correspondents took these photos at the massive International Workers Day march in Havana, Cuba on May 1, 2013. The march had 3 themes: 'for a prosperous and sustainable socialism', honoring Venezuelan revolutionary leader Hugo Chavez, and preparing for the upcoming 20th Congress of the Cuban Workers Federation.


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Hundreds of thousands march for socialism

Enter a descriptive sentence about the photo here.

See a photo essay from the May 1 march in Havana here.


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The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine extends its congratulations to Samer al-Issawi on the victory of his free will over the occupation jailer on April 23. The PFLP expressed its salutes to the imprisoned struggler Samer al-Issawi, his family, and all of the prisoners inside the occupation jails, for his victory in exerting his will over the jailer, winning his release and return to his hometown in the city of Jerusalem, Palestine’s eternal capital.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.


By staff

On April 16, newly elected Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro called on workers to resist the wave of right-wing violence that broke out after the recent presidential election. Speaking defiantly to a crowd of workers in Miranda state on Tuesday, April 16, Maduro said, “If they continue with violence, what we can do is to radicalize this revolution.”


By staff

The people of Venezuela elected Nicolas Maduro as the new president on April 14 in a special election held after the unexpected death of President Hugo Chavez. Maduro, a member of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), won 50.66% of the vote to defeat right-wing opposition candidate Henrique Caprilles, who earned 49.07%.