Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Kim DeFranco

Minneapolis protest demands Cuba be taken off the U.S. terrorist list. | Fight Back! News/staff

Minneapolis, MN – On January 28, the Women Against Military Madness’ Solidarity Committee of the Americas (SCOTA) and the MN Cuba Committee held their monthly car caravan with 15 cars and 20 people to demand Cuba be taken off the U.S. terrorist list.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – On Sunday, January 28, around 30 people gathered at the Cactus Club in Milwaukee to attend the Milwaukee Anti-war Committee’s (MAC) teach-in on war propaganda and the Astronautics Corporation of America.


By staff

Motorcade rider holds up portrait of Tawfic Abdeljabba. | Fight Back! News/staff

New Orleans, LA – On January 28, over 200 motor vehicles occupied the streets of New Orleans on a busy Sunday afternoon. The motorcade was organized as a memorial in honor of Tawfic Abdeljabbar and all martyrs of Israel’s genocide.


By Lina Jebara

 Minneapolis high school students stand in solidarity with Palestine. | Fight Back! News/Sabry Wazwaz

Minneapolis, MN – On January 29, 500 Minneapolis public school students participated in a student-organized walkout for Palestine.

Students marched from downtown’s Gold Medal Park to Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office, chanting, “Louder, louder, say it more; not a conflict; not a war” and “No more hiding, no more fear; this genocide is crystal clear.” The students’ demands included calls for an end to Israel’s siege on Gaza and for U.S. divestment from Israel, both of which have been vehemently echoed across the nation.


By Sharif Hall

Palestine solidarity protest at New York's JFK airport train stop. | Fight Back! News/staff

New York, NYC – On January 27, a National Day of Action for Palestine took place on the seventh anniversary of Trump’s Muslim Ban. The protest was called by Within Our Lifetime (WOL), a Palestinian-led organization that has been leading an incredible number of mass protests in NYC since October.

Around 100 people rallied at Jamaica train station, chanting, “Israel bombs! USA pays! How many kids did you kill today?”


By staff

 Students protest racist policing at the University of Illinois at Chicago. | Fight Back! News/staff

Chicago, IL – On Friday, January 26, over 50 people gathered on the University of Illinois at Chicago’s campus to protest the racist and discriminatory practices of the UIC police department. The protest was called jointly by Students for Justice in Palestine and Students for a Democratic Society in response to two separate instances of racist policing and discrimination at the University.


By staff

St. Paul, MN – On January 26, 50 Palestine solidarity activists rallied at the weekly Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) Justice for Palestine bannering to celebrate the passage of a strong ceasefire resolution by Minneapolis city council. They vowed to campaign for public support by the Saint Paul city council for a ceasefire and an end to U.S. aid to Israel.

#StPaulMN #AntiWarMovement #International #Palestine


By staff

Denver protest in solidarity with Palestine. | Fight Back! News/staff

Denver, CO – On Monday, January 22, at 11 a.m., roughly 100 pro-Palestine protesters rallied on the Auraria campus before taking to the streets and halting business as usual.

The activists stopped at the intersection of Colfax Avenue and Speer Boulevard, occupying the block and remaining there for over an hour and a half. This disruption of one of the busiest junctions in Denver caused traffic delays throughout the entire city and marked an escalation in the militancy of the actions taken by pro-Palestinian organizers.


By staff

 Protesters in Minneapolis force city council to adopt pro-Palestine resolution. | Fight Back! News/Nadia Shaarawi

Minneapolis, MN – With hundreds of Palestine supporters packing the city council’s meeting room and the hallway outside for the third time in recent weeks, on January 25 the Minneapolis city council voted to pass a Palestine resolution that’s more progressive than most others around the country.

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, who opposed the resolution, attended the city council meeting to make an impassioned plea to council members to reject the resolution and instead pass a watered-down substitute resolution brought forward at the last minute by Councilmember Linea Palmisano.


By Kobi Guillory

Protest at Chicago City Hall. | Fight Back! News/staff

Chicago, IL – Over 300 supporters of the movements for Black and Palestinian liberation showed up to the Wednesday, January 24, Chicago city council meeting.

Organizers spoke in favor of a resolution put forth by Rossana Rodríguez Sanchez and Daniel La Spata calling for a ceasefire in Palestine, and against a Fraternal Order of Police-backed decision to send even the most severe cases of police misconduct to arbitration where they could be handled with no public oversight.