Tucson, AZ – For a small, largely agricultural country, Nicaragua has delivered several losses to the much larger, more militarily advanced U.S. empire. From Augusto Sandino’s peasant army expelling the U.S. Marines in the 1930s, to the Sandinista Revolution of 1979 that toppled the U.S.-backed Somoza dictatorship, to the electoral return of the Sandinistas in 2006, to the defeat of the U.S.-coordinated soft coup attempt in 2018, the 2021 elections are another win for people of Nicaragua.
Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns the cowardly October 29 murder of New People’s Army spokesperson Ka Oris (Jorge Madlos) by elements of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. Medical aid Eighfel Dela Peña (Ka Pika) was also killed in the ambush. Both were unarmed and had no opportunity to defend themselves. The killers are now lying to the media to cover up their crimes.
Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns the cowardly October 29 murder of New People’s Army spokesperson Ka Oris (Jorge Madlos) by elements of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. Medical aid Eighfel Dela Peña (Ka Pika) was also killed in the ambush. Both were unarmed and had no opportunity to defend themselves. The killers are now lying to the media to cover up their crimes.
Kolkata, India – The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in India has had a devastating effect, claiming more than 250,000 lives in a matter of three months, between April and June of this year.
Minneapolis, MN – On October 23, the Twin Cities District of Freedom Road Socialist Organization held an educational event at the University of Minnesota titled “No New Cold War Against China!” The event was part of a yearly celebration of the October socialist revolutions which occurred in Russia (1917) and China (1949). The event's speakers were Autumn Lake of the Anti-War Committee, Mick Kelly of Freedom Road Socialist Organization and Danny Haiphong of the Black Agenda Report and Friends of Socialist China.
Miami, FL – On October 24, 30 protesters rallied against the illegal U.S. extradition of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab. The U.S. Hands Off Cuba and Venezuela South Florida Coalition hosted the event at the Torch of Friendship Park in front of a Simón Bolivar statue. Other groups in attendance included the Bolivarian Circle, POWIR and the Committee to Stop FBI Repression.
Minneapolis, MN – On October 20 people rallied in the rain to protest the Iron Dome Supplemental Appropriations Act, a proposed bill which would earmark another $1 billion in U.S. military aid to Israel on top of the $3.8 billion already allocated. The protest of over 20 people targeted Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar because the bill is coming to the U.S. Senate. The Anti-War Committee, the initiator of the protest, applauded the nine members of Congress, including Minnesota’s own Ilhan Omar, who voted against this extra $1 billion in funding.
¡Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó a Cristiano Mayta, un sindicalista peruano y un internacionalista, el 14 de octubre para aprender sobre de la lucha de su sindicato.¡Lucha y Resiste!: ¿Cuál es su organización?
On October 14, Fight Back! interviewed Cristiano Mayta, a trade unionist in Peru, to learn more about an upcoming strike of Coca-Cola bottling plant workers.Fight Back!: What is your organization?
To mark the October 1, 1949 proclamation of the Peoples Republic of China, Fight Back! is circulating a statement that the outstanding Chinese revolutionary Mao Zedong made at the opening address at the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on September 21, 1949.
Minneapolis, MN – The Solidarity Committee on the Americas (SCOTA) and the Minnesota Cuba Committee held their second rally and car caravan, September 26, demanding the end to the blockade against Cuba. The protest was part of a growing movement which started in Miami and has spread to many cities across the country and around the world.
Miami, FL – In the morning hours of Sunday, September 26, roughly 60 protesters gathered outside of Miami City Hall as part of a National Day of Action to demand President Biden end the decades-long blockade of Cuba. The national call was put out by the Cuban solidarity organization Puentes de Amor (Bridges of Love) and was attended locally by Cuban Americans, anti-war activists and community members.
New York, NY – On September 21, BAYAN North East and affiliated organizations rallied and marched to mark the 49th anniversary of martial law imposed by then-Philippines Dictator Ferdinand Marcos and to oppose the repression unleashed by the current President Rodrigo Duterte.
Dallas, TX – On September 19, about 50 people gathered in Belo Garden Park in Downtown Dallas to support six Palestinian political prisoners who recently escaped from Israeli detention, and to call for the freedom of all Palestinian political prisoners. The rally was organized by Palestinian Youth Movement, American Muslims for Justice in Palestine, and Students for Justice in Palestine. Chants included “Intifada! Intifada! Long live the Intifada!” “We don't want two states! We want '48!” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
Minneapolis, MN – On September 16, thousands of rush-hour commuters on Interstate 94 saw banners with slogans like “Free Palestine,” “End apartheid” and “End ethnic cleansing” hung from the Loring Park footbridge, amid a sea of Palestinian flags. Activists from American Muslims for Palestine – Minnesota (AMP-MN), the Anti-War Committee (AWC) and Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) then rallied in the park with chants and speeches.