Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Senator Baldwin looking uneasy while being questioned by SDS.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Appleton, WI – On Sunday, October 29, the Lawrence University Democrats, the student organization of the Democratic Party, hosted a visit by Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin, with State Representative Lee Snodgrass also in attendance. This event came only days after the October 26 unanimous passing of Senate resolution 418 which condemned the nationally organized student protests in support of Palestinian resistance.


By staff

Aodhan Bowman of the newly formed Green Bay Anti-war Committee speaks on the hypocrisy of local government's support for Israel. | Fight Back! News/staff

Green Bay, WI – On Saturday, November 4, the newly formed Green Bay Anti-war Committee (GBAC) held their first official event, a rally at Leicht Memorial Park on the edge of downtown Green Bay. The event took place on the “National Day of Action for Palestine,” proclaimed after Israel’s genocidal actions, funded by the United States and Western Europe.


By Karina Lopez

Solidarity with socialist Cuba.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Los Angeles, CA – On Thursday, November 2, the United Nations General Assembly voted on a resolution that is put forward every year to end the U.S. imposed economic blockade of Cuba. For the 31st year in a row, the resolution was not passed despite the overwhelming majority of the world voting in favor of the resolution. Those in favor of ending the U.S. imposed sanctions were 187 countries, and only two voted against the resolution, the United States and the apartheid state of Israel.


By Erin Gable

Minnesoatans marching in solidarity with Palestine. | Fight Back! News/staff

Washington DC – 300,000 people marched on Washington DC on November 4 in support of the fight to free Palestine. The MN Anti-War Committee (AWC) organized a bus to take Palestinians and community activists to participate in the historic march. Bus riders boarded a bus for 20 hours on Friday evening, headed to Washington DC with their Palestinian regalia, keffiyehs, Palestinian flags and signs expressing their solidarity with the Palestinians who are under attack.


By staff

FRSO at Washington DC march in solidarity with Palestine. | Fight Back! News/staff

Washington D.C. – On Saturday, November 4, members of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization joined the largest pro-Palestine rally in U.S. history. Reports estimate the attendance to be upwards of 500,000, which would surpass the massive rally in D.C. in March of 2003 to oppose the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Participation in the FRSO contingent saw members from Tucson, Denver, Minnesota, Appleton, Philadelphia and New York City.


By Patricia Fish

Nada Moubarak of SDS condemns Israel and calls on the UW-Milwaukee to rename its library. | Fight Back! News/staff

Milwaukee, WI – On November 2, over 50 students at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (UWM) rallied then marched for the National Students for a Democratic Society Day of Action to demand justice for Palestine. The event began and ended in front of the university library, named after Zionist and former Prime Minister of Israel Golda Meir.


By staff

Palestine solidarity march in NYC. | Fight Back! News/staff

New York, NY – Thousands of people took to the streets on November 4 in support of the Palestinian resistance, and in opposition to the U.S.-backed genocide of Gazans. This protest took place on a National Day of Action, and coincided with what is believed to be the biggest pro-Palestine march on Washington in history. Additionally, all major cities and many other smaller cities held their own protests all over the country in support of the Palestinian people.


By staff

Massive march in Minneapolis in conjunction with huge November 4 Palestine protest in Washington DC | Fight Back! News/staff

Minneapolis, MN – On November 4, while hundreds of thousands marched in Washington DC for the largest Palestine solidarity march in U.S. history, over 4000 marched in the streets of Minneapolis in support. They were greeted by honks of support, victory signs and Palestine flags waved from the balconies of public housing high-rises in the diverse Cedar-Riverside neighborhood. The marchers demanded an immediate end to Israel’s brutal siege and bombing campaign of Gaza, and an end to U.S. aid to Israel.


By staff

Arizona march in solidarity with Palestine. | Fight Back! News/staff

Tucson, AZ – Tucson answered the national call for a day of action Saturday, November 4 by the US Palestinian Community Network, Palestinian Youth Movement, and other organizations. A crowd met at Catalina Park just north of downtown to prepare for a march. As the mass of people swelled to at least 500 people, speakers from the Tucson Anti War Committee and Arizona Palestinian Solidarity Alliance (APSA) ignited the crowd.


By Sarah Martin

Augsburg students hold die-in to protest the murder of Palestinian children by Israel. | Fight Back! News/staff

Minneapolis, MN – On Wednesday, November 1, the day President Joe Biden visited Minnesota, students at Augsburg University in Minneapolis held a “die-in” to make conspicuous and visible the slaughter of 3500 Palestinian children – as of that day – during the ongoing bombing of Gaza by Israel. This was one of several Wednesday actions by Palestine solidarity activists confronting Biden from the moment he arrived in Minnesota until he left.