Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Sean Orr

Tom Burke, FRSO Organization Secretary speaking to trade unionists in Venezuela

Caracas, Venezuela – On July 26, the delegation from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) participated in a gathering of trade unionists from around the world with the leaders of the Central of Bolivarian Socialist Workers (CBST), the largest labor federation in Venezuela.


By staff

Nicaragua celebrates Sandinista revolution.

Managua, Nicaragua – On July 19, 500,000 Nicaraguans filled Managua’s Plaza de la Fe to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the triumph of the Sandinista Popular Revolution and Nicaragua’s liberation from the U.S.-imposed Somoza dictatorship.


By Sean Orr

Memorial for Jorge Rodríguez.

Caracas, Venezuela – On July 25, a delegation from Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) participated in an event to mark the 33rd anniversary of the murder of Jorge Rodríguez, Sr. Several hundred people gathered in the cemetery in Caracas where his tomb lies alongside other “martyrs of the Revolution” who were killed in the decades before Chávez came to power.


By staff

NYC demands end to Duterte's rule.

New York, NY – Over 100 protesters gathered outside of the Philippine Consulate General in New York City on July 22 for the People’s State of the Nation Address. This action was part of a larger call to oust U.S.-backed Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte as he gave his State of the Nation address.


By staff

Washington D.C. – Early Wednesday morning, July 24, Israel launched another missile attack on Syria, this time striking near the occupied Golan Heights. According to a report from the Syrian Arab News Agency, “about 01:30 a.m., the Israeli enemy launched an aggression in Daraa western countryside causing only material damages.”


By Sean Orr

Caracas, Venezuela – From July 25 to 28, delegates from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) will be participating in the 25th Sao Paolo Forum, held this year in Caracas, Venezuela. Over 1000 delegates from around the world will be attending, under the slogan “For Peace, Sovereignty and the Prosperity of the People: Unity, Struggle, Combat and Victory!”


By Masao Suzuki

San Francisco protest demands end to Duterte regime.

San Francisco, CA – On July 22, more than 300 people packed the street in front of the Philippine consulate in San Francisco. Chants of “People power now!” and “No justice, no peace! Stop the killings in the Philippines!” rang out as protestors called for the ousting of Philippine President Duterte, who has killed thousands in his so-called ‘war on drugs.’ The occasion was the “Peoples’ SONA” on the occasion of the official State of the Nation Address given by the Philippine president each year.


By Fabiana Casas

CTU Organizer Richard Berg, Javier Castillo, Special Education Teacher Sarah Cha

Caracas, Venezuela – A delegation of members from the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) arrived in Caracas, Venezuela last week. Their goals were to learn what they could from Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution, exchange views on effective education and to show solidarity with the students, teachers and social movements of Venezuela.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Luis G. Jalandoni, Chief International Representative, National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).


By Wyatt Miller

Minneapolis protest against U.S. war moves.

Minneapolis, MN – “Workers of the world, unite! Not ‘workers of America unite’ or ‘workers who look like us, pray like us or love like us unite.’ It’s all workers,” said union organizer David Gilbert-Pederson of Minnesota Workers United. “We have more in common with the tailor in Tehran than the bankers who crashed our economy. We have more in common with the bus driver in Caracas than the politicians locking kids in cages.”


By International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS)

Fight US-Zionist repression of Palestinians in Germany!

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS) in solidarity with Khaled Barakat, that was adopted at its 6th International Conference in Hong Kong, June 27.


By staff

Washington, DC – According to Middle East press reports, Israel warplanes over Lebanon unleashed missile attacks on Syrian military sites in Homs and the outskirts of Damascus, July 1.


By Communist Party of the Philippines

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following June 29 statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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Freedom Road Socialist Organization joins with people around the globe in condemning the German authorities for trampling on the rights those who fight for the liberation of Palestine. On June 22, the German government banned prominent Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat from speaking at an event against Trump’s “deal of the century.” This outrageous act come on the heels of the German government’s preventing a speech by the Palestinian leader Rasmea Odeh, and her subsequent deportation.


By Legalization For All (L4A)

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Legalization for All (L4A) Network.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following June 10 statement from the Communist Party of Mexico.


By staff

¡Lucha y Resiste! está circulando la siguiente declaración del Partido Comunista de México de 10 de junio. Los Gobiernos de EEUU y México han expresado a través del Departamento de Estado de los EEUU un reforzamiento de la política antiinmigrante, después de un sainete en el que se amagaba con medidas arancelarias por un lado, y con una ola de patriotismo por el otro. Al final después de la farsa escenificada quedó claro el objetivo real de la negociación.

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By staff

Washington, D.C. – In a June 16 statement, the U.S. military admitted that a large unmanned aircraft, a drone with a 66-foot wing span, was shot down over Yemen. According to a statement from the U.S. Central Command, CENTCOM, “a U.S. MQ-9 was shot down over Yemen by what we assess to be a Houthi SA-6 surface to air missile on Jun 6, 2019. The altitude of the engagement indicated an improvement over previous Houthi capability…” A single MQ-9 costs about $16 million.


By Vladimir Castillo

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The following essay was written by Vladimir Castillo, the International Affairs Coordinator of the Ministry of Communes of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. In it, Castillo lays out the anti-imperialist nature of the Venezuelan military and its strategic involvement in the Bolivarian Revolution. The essay was originally published by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and is translated here by the Fight Back! staff.


By staff

Free Maoj Maga! Free All Political Prisoners! -  Kilusang Mayo Uno

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following June 4 statement from the militant trade union Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU).