Caracas, Venezuela – En el primero de mayo, día del trabajador, en el centro de la ciudad, 400,000 trabajadores acudieron a las calles por dos razones: para honrar su día, el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores; y para celebrar la derrota del intento de golpe de Estado contra su presidente electo Nicolás Maduro.
Richardson, TX – About 60 people came together at Faith United Methodist Church here, May 3, for a community forum on the trafficking of Filipino teachers in the nearby suburb of Garland. The forum was hosted by Migrante USA, Malaya Movement Texas, United Federation of Fil-Am Educators Texas, National Alliance for Filipino Concerns, North Texas Dream Team, Pilipino American Unity for Progress, and RAICES.
Caracas, Venezuela – La delegación de la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad (FRSO) en Venezuela participó en una manifestación masiva para el Dia Internacional de los Trabajadores en Caracas, en el primero de Mayo. Centenares de miles de gente obrera participó. El presidente Maduro se dirigió a la demostración.
Caracas, Venezuela – The delegation from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) had the honor May 2 of meeting with Blanca Eekhout, Minister of Communes and Social Movements and a member of the National Directorate of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).
Caracas, Venezuela – The delegation from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) attended a ceremony in the 23 de Enero neighborhood in Caracas for the 90th anniversary of the “Plan to Realize the Great Dream of Bolivar.” The Plan was written by Nicaraguan revolutionary Augusto Sandino during his armed struggle against the U.S. occupation of his country. Among the event's attendees was Yaosca Calderon Martin, the Nicaraguan ambassador to Venezuela, along with veterans of the Sandinista struggle in the 1970s and 1980s.
New York, NY – On May 1, hundreds of people in New York City celebrated on International Workers’ Day. The day was kicked off in Harlem, where a rally for the laundry workers was held as they demanded better working conditions. The day continued at a Trump Tower on Wall Street. Hundreds gathered near the Stock Exchange under the banner “No walls in the workers struggle.”
Caracas, Venezuela – On May 1, May Day, in the heart of downtown, 400,000 workers poured into the streets for two reasons: to honor their day, International Workers Day; and to celebrate the defeat of the coup attempt against their elected president Nicolas Maduro.
Chicago IL – Ed Cubelo – the president of Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation Workers Association and chairman of the Metro Manila chapter of the major trade union federation in the Philippines, the Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) or 'May First Labor Movement' – visited the grave of the Haymarket martyrs, May 1.
Caracas, Venezuela – The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) delegation in Venezuela participated in the massive International Workers Day rally in Caracas, May 1. Hundreds of thousands of working people participated. President Maduro addressed the rally.
Caracas, Venezuela – En su primer día en Venezuela, el 28 de abril, la delegación de la Organización Socialista del Camino a la Libertad (FRSO) sostuvo una reunión de dos horas con miembros del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Venezuela (PCV) y líderes de la Juventud Comunista de Venezuela.
Caracas, Venezuela – La delegación de la Organización Socialista del Camino a la Libertad (FRSO) en Venezuela se reunió con la Ministra de Comunas Blanca Eckhout, después de su discurso triunfante sobre la construcción de 2.6 millones de nuevas viviendas. Eckhout citó a Hugo Chávez y dijo: “Nuestra nueva sociedad no puede ser capitalista porque el capitalismo está diseñado para destruir nuestra patria, nuestra sociedad y nuestra gente”.
Caracas, Venezuela – These photos were taken by members of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) delegation in Venezuela, April 30, in the streets, as tens of thousands of people made their way to Miraflores Palace where President Maduro continues to lead the country forward. A vast popular mobilization is defending the revolutionary process that is underway in the country. The FRSO delegation is meeting with communists, progressive political figures and members of Venezuela’s government. (If photos aren't appearing for you click here to see them on facebook: )
Reporte de la delegación de FRSO en Caracas.El siguiente informe viene de la delegación de la Organización Socialista del Camino de a la Libertad en Venezuela.
Caracas, Venezuela – The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) delegation in Venezuela met the Minister of Communes Blanca Eckhout, after her triumphant speech about building 2.6 million new homes. Eckhout quoted Hugo Chavez, saying, “Our new society cannot be capitalist because capitalism is designed to destroy our homeland, our society and our people.”
Boston, MA – Workers and students packed into the office of Boston’s Chinese Progressive Association on April 27 to hear labor activists from the Philippines speak about the state of working-class struggle in their country. The event, sponsored by the Boston chapter of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA), featured speakers Raymond “Mong” Palatino and Ed Cubello.
Caracas, Venezuela – On their first day in Venezuela, April 28, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) delegation held a two-hour meeting with members of Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) Central Committee and leaders of the Communist Youth of Venezuela.
Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 trade unionists gathered at the United Labor Centre here, April 25, to hear Ed Cubelo, the president of Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation Workers Association and chairman of the Metro Manila chapter of the major trade union federation in the Philippines – Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) or 'May First Labor Movement.' Also speaking was Raymond “Mong” Palatino, the chairperson of the metro Manila chapter of Bagong Alyansang Makabayan-BAYAN, a progressive alliance of people’s organizations.
New York, NY – More than 50 people gathered at The People’s Forum, on the evening of April 25 for a talk by the Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Affairs Jorge Arreaza. Arreaza was part of a Venezuelan delegation visiting the United Nations to demand an end to U.S. sanctions against their country. The sanctions have completely frozen Venezuelan assets and have stalled government activities meant to help the population.
New York, NY – Forty activists gathered on Friday, April 12, at The People’s Forum in New York City for an event on the Philippines labor movement hosted by BAYAN USA and Mission to End Modern Day Slavery. The program, titled, “Breaking the Chains: A Sharing on the Philippines Labor Movement,” featured presentations by Kilusang Mayo Uno (May First Movement) Vice Chair Ed Cubelo, and BAYAN Metro Manila Chair Mong Palatino.