Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Vigil for victims of Jenin massacre.

Saint Paul, MN – The anti-war organization Women Against Military Madness organized a vigil on Friday, January 27, in response to the recent massacre of Palestinians in the Jenin refugee camp in occupied Palestine. Attendees held signs with the slogans “End U.S. aid to Israel” and “End Israeli apartheid,” and chanted “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” The vigil was met with a positive reaction from the community.


By staff

NYC protest demands drop the charges against the Makibeki NYC 3.

New York, NY – Charges against the Makibeki NYC 3 have or will be dismissed, defeating legal attacks that came after the protests against the president of the Philippines this past fall.


By staff

Protest inside New York's Grand Central Station demands freedom for Palestinian

New York, NY — On Saturday January 21, New Yorkers rallied inside Grand Central Station for an emergency action called by Within Our Lifetime and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network as part of a global week of action. The crowd of 80 people honored the 15 Palestinians killed since the beginning of the New Year and demanded the freedom of all Palestinian prisoners, despite the New York Police Department’s attempts to silence the rally.


By Jacob Smith

Solidarity with Palestine in Ann Arbor, MI.

Dearborn, MI – The Palestinian Youth Movement-Detroit and Students Allied for Freedom and Equality, with support from Freedom Road Socialist Organization members, kicked off the week of solidarity work on January 12 supporting a demonstration by Students Allied for Freedom and Equality (SAFE). When U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris visited the University of Michigan for a speaking event on the environment, SAFE took the opportunity to let passersby on campus know that VP Harris is a stalwart supporter of genocide in Palestine.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement form the Communist Party of the Philippines.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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For nearly 20 years, the steadfast fighter for Palestinian liberation and general secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Ahmad Sa’adat, has endured imprisonment. Freedom Road Socialist Organization is proud to add its voice to the worldwide movement demanding the Israeli occupiers immediately release Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners.


By Jim Byrne

Perú protest against the coup.

Tucson, AZ – On December 7, a month of people’s protests was kicked off when democratically-elected President Pedro Castillo, a former union educator and strike leader, was arrested by Peruvian armed forces in a coup by the oligarchy-dominated Congress. Peruvians, from indigenous groups to trade unions, immediately responded with waves of protests, marches and roadblocks. Following the orders of the coup plotters, the military and police cracked down violently on the protests, including firing on protesters from helicopters with bullets and teargas. A loosely agreed-upon truce before the holidays stopped the brutal repression, with the death toll having reached over two dozen with hundreds wounded.


By Tom Burke

Chicago, IL- 2022 was a banner year for the Venezuelan economy. The Venezuelan Central Bank recorded a 19% growth rate, while the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America put it at 12%. While inflation of food and gas prices ate at workers' income in the U.S. and much of the world this past year, Venezuela inflation was low compared with previous years. This is due to booms in both food and oil sectors in Venezuela owing to the ability of the Bolivarian Revolution to overcome U.S. sanctions.


By staff

Red fighters of the New People's Army.

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.


By staff

According to a Syrian Arab New Agency December 30 report, Alida Guevara, daughter of Ernesto Che Guevara, condemned the Western-backed terrorist attacks against Syria.