Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By David Pulido

Police attack pro-Palestine encampment at University of California, Irvine.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Irvine, CA – At least 20 police departments besieged the University of California, Irvine Gaza solidarity encampment on May 15, as student protesters marked the anniversary of the 1948 Nakba. Earlier that morning, protesters reclaimed UCI Physical Sciences Lecture Hall and renamed it in honor of Alex Odeh, a Palestinian American activist who was assassinated in Santa Ana, California in 1985 by three members of the Jewish Defense League.


By staff

Pro-Palestine students hold a counter graduation ceremony.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Denver, CO – Denver Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) hosted their People’s Graduation at the Auraria Encampment for Palestine, May 12, as a counter to the graduations of Metropolitan State University (MSU) and CU Denver. This event was held in recognition of the efforts of the organizers of the encampment, as well as a recognition of the Palestinian martyrs who face genocide in Gaza.


By Carson Cruse

Pro-Palestine students and alumni destroy awards and diplomas.  | Fight Back! News/staff

New Orleans, LA – On May 7, Tulane and Loyola Students for a Democratic Society held a rally where students and alumni to destroyed awards and degrees they received from the pro-genocide institutions.


By staff

Students occupy CU Denver bursar's office demanding divestment from apartheid Israel.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Denver, CO – On Monday, May 13, members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) occupied the Bursar's office of the University of Colorado, Denver to demand divestment from Israel.


By David Pulido

Palestine solidarity encampment at University of California, Irivne.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Irvine, CA – “We demand amnesty for student protesters!” said a Palestinian student organizer at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) Gaza solidarity encampment. “We’ve made it clear that we are not leaving until all of our demands are met. If anything, the student suspensions have only made us more determined to stay and hold our ground, because this fight is bigger than us. It’s a fight against genocide and our tuition money going towards the weapons that are murdering Palestinians by the Israeli government!”


By Meredith Aby

Protest on the Minneapolis U of MN campus demands divestment from apartheid Israel.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Minneapolis, MN – On May 9, 200 community members rallied with students and staff at the University of Minnesota outside of the McNamara Alumni Center. The rally was called by the Free Palestine Coalition to draw attention to Israel’s genocidal attacks on Rafah and to put pressure on the University of Minnesota’s board of regents who were meeting the next day to hear from the Divest UMN Coalition’s demands at their public meeting.


By staff

Denver students demand universities break all ties with Israel.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Denver, CO – On Tuesday, May 7, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held a rally and sit-in at the Aerospace and Engineering Sciences (AES) building at the Metropolitan State University of Denver. Since April 25, students have been camping on the Tivoli Quad on campus to demand that the University of Colorado and the Metropolitan State University of Denver divest from Israel.

Although student leaders have met with the administration of both universities multiple times, thus far negotiations have stalled, and the schools seem unwilling to grant the students' demands. MSU Denver specifically has a partnership with Lockheed Martin, with an entire floor of the AES building dedicated to Lockheed manufacturing.


By Sam Tunningley

Grand Rapids, Michigan march against the Israeli attack on Rafah.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Grand Rapids, MI – On Wednesday, May 8, an educational event on the link between policing in the United States and the occupation in Palestine was held before a march and die-in to stand against a ground invasion of Rafah.

The event hosted by the Grand Rapids Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (GRAARPR) and Palestine Solidarity Grand Rapids (PSGR) took place at the East Congregational Church.


By Victor Rodriguez and Julianna Castellon

Los Angeles, CA – On Tuesday, May 7, the campus of California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA) witnessed a powerful display of solidarity as hundreds of students, led by Students 4 Justice in Palestine, united with community members and alumni at their campus’ student encampment. Their collective voice demanded “Hands off Rafah” and for the CSU system to sever all financial ties with Israel.


By Kobi Guillory

Campus police raid University of Chicago Palestine solidarity encampment.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Chicago IL – Students at the University of Chicago set up an encampment in solidarity with Gaza on Monday, April 29. After a week of threats from the university administration, the University of Chicago Police Department (UCPD) raided the encampment before dawn on Tuesday, May 7.