Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

NYC protest against U.S. Philippines arms deal.

New York, NY – On May 28 members of BAYAN USA and the International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS) gathered in Midtown Manhattan for an action against the U.S-Philippines arms deal.


By staff

Workers and Communist Parties Against Blockades and Imperialist Wars

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following appeal that was initiated by the German Communist Party (DKP), Communist Party Of Peoples Of Spain (CPPS), and the Communist Party Of Venezuela (CPV). Freedom Road Socialist Organization is among the signers.


By staff

Nakba marked in Chicago.

Chicago, IL – The U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) commemorated the Nakba, “Catastrophe” in English, which marks the ethnic cleansing of over 750,000 Palestinians, and the massacre of thousands more, by Zionist militia groups in 1948, in the wake of the establishment of the settler colonial state of Israel. Palestinians and their supporters all around the world remember the Nakba every year on or around May 15.


By staff

Ho Chi Minh.

To mark the birthday of Ho Chi Minh, May, 19, 1890, Fight Back is circulating his 1960 article The path which led me to Leninism.


By Wyatt Miller

Nakba Day marked in Minnesota.

Columbia Heights, MN – Just outside city limits from Northeast Minneapolis, Central Avenue was awash with Palestine flags during Friday rush hour as Palestinian-Americans and solidarity activists commemorated Al-Nakba. Nakba Day, held each year on May 15, remembers the 1948 ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of indigenous Palestinians from their national homeland by Zionist settlers. Around 60 cars and dozens of families drove in a long caravan through the heavily Arab-American neighborhood, with chants of “From the river to the sea…” echoing for blocks. The protest was one of many actions that happened internationally.


By World Federation of Trade Unions

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following May 13 statement from the World Federation of Trade Unions.


By staff

Philippines: 5 peasants killed by police and military in Sorsogon Massacre

On May 10 the Communist Party of the Philippines condemned the murder of five peasants by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP), in Sorsogon province.


By Daniel Sullivan

Soviet flag over Berlin.

On May 8, 1945, at 11:01 pm Central European Time – already May 9 in the USSR – the German surrender took effect, ending World War II in Europe. The war with Germany and her fellow members of what we now call fascist allies in Europe – Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Slovakia and Finland – had already claimed the lives of perhaps 50 million people. In the ensuing years, oceans of ink have been spilled by right-wing historians and polemicists in an attempt to distort or even minimize the significance of this date. The purpose of this rewriting of history is in some cases to defend fascism, but in many more it is simply to diminish the prestige of the Soviet Union, the first socialist state. We think it is appropriate to call to mind a few facts.


By Fight Back! Editors

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The U.S.-backed regime of Philippines President Duterte has launched a wave of repression against the militant and powerful trade union grouping, the Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU)/May First Movement. We urge members of unions, community groups, student and other progressive organizations to stand with our brothers and sisters in the Philippines by demanding an end to this repression.


By staff

Anti-war movement urges Rep. Omar to unsign AIPAC’s Iran sanctions letter

Minneapolis, MN – The Twin Cities Anti-War Committee sent a letter to Minnesota’s Representative Ilhan Omar, May 6, urging her to withdraw her support for a letter that furthers AIPAC’s lobbying efforts to continue sanctions against Iran.