Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Harvard workers vote to strike

Cambridge, MA – The union of the 750 food service workers at Harvard University held a briefing and rally on Sept. 7 to announce their intent to hold a strike vote. The union, UNITE HERE Local 26, has been in negotiations with the university administration since late May, and workers say that little progress has been made on their two major issues.


By staff

Striking MNA members on picket line.

Minneapolis, MN – Nearly 5000 members of the Minnesota Nurses Association walked off the job at Allina hospitals, Sept. 5, Labor Day, in an open-ended unfair labor practices strike. Allina is pressing for concessions on the health care plans that would shift more costs to the nurses.


By staff

(Fight Back! News/Staff)

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds of Minnesota Nurses Association members, along with their supporters, rallied in Stewart Park Aug. 31 to show support for Allina Health nurses who are set to go on an open-ended Unfair Labor Practice strike on Labor Day. A broad spectrum of labor and community groups, including teachers, AFSCME, and Teamsters attended the rally.


By Tom Burke

ATU members and supporters protest Grand Rapids area transit board

Grand Rapids, MI – 30 union bus drivers and their supporters rallied outside the meeting of the Interurban Transit Partnership – also known as the Rapids Board – the afternoon of Aug. 31, demanding a decent contract in negotiations. The board spent the past year attacking the bus drivers’ union and its leaders instead of dealing fairly with them.


By Fern

Jacksonville, FL – About a dozen rank-and-file Teamsters gathered at a local bar in downtown Jacksonville to watch the debate for the upcoming International Brotherhood of Teamsters election. This October's union election will be one of the year's most important events for organized labor.


By staff

St. Paul, MN – Nurses represented by the Minnesota Nurses Association filed a 10-day notice of intent to strike with Allina Health Friday morning, Aug. 26. Nurses will begin an open-ended Unfair Labor Practice strike beginning at 7 a.m. on Monday, Sept. 5, Labor Day.


By staff

Striking MNA nurses on picket line earlier this year.

St. Paul, MN – Negotiations between nurses and Allina Health ended with no agreement and no responses by hospital negotiators on nurses' proposals, Aug. 23. Allina negotiators continue to say that they will not offer proposals or discuss issues of staffing and workplace safety until nurses agree to end all of their health insurance plans.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Aug. 9 statement from the World Federation of Trade unions in solidarity with the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT). The RMT is one of Britain’s largest progressive trade unions and it backed the struggle for Britain to leave the European Union.


By Jared Hamil

Los Angeles, CA – As summer heat rolls in, warehouse workers at UPS are fighting to stay cool. 2016 is on track to be the warmest year ever recorded. This year has seen new high record temperatures in parts of Los Angeles County. Other parts of the country are also seeing record high temperatures.


By World Federation of Trade Unions

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU).