Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Chicago, IL – With more than 5000 protesters rallying outside, and hundreds inside, Donald Trump canceled his campaign event tonight, March 11, on the campus of the University of Illinois. Community groups, including the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, joined the demonstration.

#ChicagoIL #AntiwarMovement #ImmigrantRights #Labor #OppressedNationalities #WomensMovement #UniversityOfIllinoisChicagoUIC #Antiracism #Elections #DonaldTrump #DumpTrump

By staff

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Chicago, IL – Thousands of protesters are rallying against Donald Trump tonight, March 11, on the campus of the University of Illinois (UIC). Community groups, including the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, have joined join the demonstration.

#ChicagoIL #AntiwarMovement #ImmigrantRights #StudentMovement #Labor #OppressedNationalities #WomensMovement #UniversityOfIllinoisChicagoUIC #Antiracism #Elections #DonaldTrump #DumpTrump

By staff

Milwaukee, WI – Union members from multiple locals gathered here, Feb. 27, for the Milwaukee-based United Workers Organization (UWO) State of Our Unions annual event.


By Meredith Aby

Wayne Wittman

Minneapolis, MN – Wayne Wittman, age 86, a longtime activist in the labor and peace movements in Minneapolis-Saint Paul, died Feb. 23. Wayne suffered a heart attack while on a bus coming home from a labor meeting where he introduced a resolution that was passed. His wife Joan said, “He died doing what he loved to do.”


By staff

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Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds of workers, members of SEIU Local 26, rallied Feb. 17, as janitors walked off the job in a 24-hour unfair labor practices strike. The janitors clean the skyscrapers in downtown Minneapolis and Saint Paul and office buildings throughout the suburbs. The strike comes after months of negotiations in which management companies have refused to budge on key issues for the union. The company wage offer is only 20 additional cents an hour and management is only offering to create part-time jobs. The union is pushing for a $15 minimum for all janitors and full-time work with livable wages.

#MinneapolisMN #SEIU #strike #SEIULocal26 #janitors #Strikes

By staff

Saint Paul, MN – Teachers and staff from the Saint Paul Federation of Teachers organized ‘walk-in’ events at more than 50 public schools in the early morning before school started on Feb. 17. Each walk-in included an informational picket and short rally. Teachers wearing red, the union’s color, were joined by supportive students and parents in a show of collective strength by walking into school together for the day.


By Joe Iosbaker

Members of the Chicago Teachers Union march against layoffs

Chicago, IL – In response to the announcement of over 1000 layoffs of teachers and staff, the Chicago Teachers Union rallied, marched and occupied the Bank of America (BoA) on LaSalle Street, Feb. 4.


By staff

Sarah Chambers, member of the Chicago Teachers Union bargaining committee.

Chicago, IL – On Feb. 1, the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) rejected an offer from the city. Management claimed their offer was generous to the teachers, but when the 40 teachers and working members of the bargaining committee looked at the language in the offer, they found more attacks on their students.


By Redacción

Hubert Ballesteros (izquierda con camisa roja)

El siguiente mensaje es una respuesta a una serie de preguntas enviadas a Huber Ballesteros por James Jordan de la Alianza por la Justicia Global. Ballesteros fue detenido cuando estaba trabajando como negociador para el paro agrario nacional de 2013 en Colombia y es acusado de “rebelión”. Él también sirvió en el comité ejecutivo de Fensuagro (Federación Nacional Sindical Unitaria Agropecuaria), la federación de trabajadores agropecuarios más grande de Colombia y la Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), la federación laboral más grande del país. Firme la petición para la libertad de Huber Ballesteros, sindicalista colombiano y preso político Haz clic aquí para ver el video de esta entrevista con Huber Ballesteros

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By staff

Hubert Ballesteros (on left wearing red)

The following message is a response to a series of questions posed to Hubert Ballesteros by James Jordan of the Alliance for Global Justice. Ballesteros was arrested while negotiating for the National Agrarian Strike of 2013 and charged with Rebellion. He was also serving on the executive committees of Fensuagro, the country's largest federation of farm workers unions and the Unitary Workers Center (CUT), Colombia's largest general labor federation.