Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Kas Schwerdtfeger

Striking Kohler workers on picket line Dec. 12.

Kohler, WI – As of last week, Kohler Company and United Auto Workers Local 833 went back to the bargaining table for negotiations amidst a strike now entering its fourth week.


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Kohler, WI – Members of UAW Local 833 are picketing the sprawling Kohler plant here, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in a nearly month-long strike against a two-tier wage system that would condemn newer, ‘Tier B’ workers to poverty wages.


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Milwaukee, WI – Building solidarity with the more than 2000 Kohler workers on strike, the United Worker Organization, along with many other progressive organizations, have begun a food drive to support the works of UAW Local 833.


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LaCreshia Birts, Youth Coordinator of Chicago Alliance and Black Youth Project

Chicago, IL – Palestinian icon Rasmea Odeh; Black youth leaders Veronica Morris-Moore and LaCreshia Birts; Black Liberation Movement veteran Frank Chapman and Eric Koene, a striking worker from the Kohler plant in Wisconsin, appeared together on the stage of the 24th Annual People’s Thanksgiving.


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Milwaukee-based Youth Empowered in the Struggle (YES) joins Kohler picket line.

Kohler, WI – On Dec. 5, a car caravan of students from the Milwaukee-based Youth Empowered in the Struggle (YES), along with community members, traveled to Kohler to support the workers and their fight for a fair and livable contract.


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Kait McIntyre, emcee of the event, presents Koene with “The ‘Big’ Bill Haywood C

Chicago, IL – A crowd of 100 people from all walks of life gathered in Chicago for an annual event, the People’s Thanksgiving. A fundraiser for Fight Back!, the event raised almost $1600, half of which was donated to the striking Kohler workers of UAW Local 833.


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George Mavrikos, the General Secretary of the World Federation of Trade Unions (

Athens, Greece – On Dec. 1 a delegation of trade unionists from the U.S. met for several hours with George Mavrikos, the General Secretary of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU). Mavrikos presented the principles of the WFTU and explained the history of the union movement internationally. Then he answered questions and exchanged views on a variety of topics.


By Brad Sigal

Participants in Greek general strike March.

Athens, Greece – More than 40,000 workers marched from Omonia Square to Syntagma Square in front of the Greek parliament Dec. 3 as part of a nationwide general strike against austerity measures.


By Richard Berg

Delegation of U.S. trade unionists welcomed at WFTU headquarters

WFTU General Secretary George Mavrikos. (FightBack!News/Staff)

Athens, Greece – Founded in the struggle against fascism during World War II, the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) continued the celebration of its 70th Anniversary by welcoming a delegation of trade union activists from the U.S. to its headquarters in Athens, Greece on Nov. 29. WFTU General Secretary George Mavrikos told the Americans that the WFTU is oriented to the working class. He spoke of how at the last WFTU Congress, the 828 delegates representing 90 million workers debated and discussed ideas of how to move the class struggle forward in the interests of working people.


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Kohler, WI – Picket lines are strong here, Nov. 27, as about 2000 striking members of UAW 833 press their demand to end a two-tier wage system. The strike began Nov. 15 and is garnering widespread support in the labor movement. Workers from Madison, Milwaukee, Racine and Chicago have come to Kohler to back the strikers.

#KohlerWI #KohlerStrike #UAW833