Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Thousands rally in Madison, Feb. 24, against anti union 'right to work' legisl

Madison, WI – Thousands of people spent the day rallying against so-called ‘Right to Work’ legislation, Feb. 24. The anti-worker law could pass the legislature as early as next week.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – More than 300 workers gathered in freezing weather here Feb. 23, to rally against proposed ‘Right to Work’ legislation.


By staff

Milwaukee protest against 'right to work' legislation.

Milwaukee, WI – More than 300 union members and their supporters took to the streets here, Feb. 23, to protest an attempt by Republicans to push through ‘right to work’ legislation in the Wisconsin legislature.


By staff

Milwaukee protest against 'right to work' legislation.

Milwaukee, WI – More than 300 union members and their supporters took to the streets here, Feb. 23, to protest an attempt by Republicans to push through ‘right to work’ legislation in the Wisconsin legislature.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – Republican leaders have announced a special session to pass the anti-worker ‘Right to Work legislation this upcoming week.


By J Burger

USW Local 7-1 hits the picket lines against unsafe BP

USW Local 7-1 president Dave Danko speaking on strike issues.

Whiting, IN – At midnight, Feb. 7, 1100 workers at the BP refinery here went on an Unfair Labor Practice strike, citing the company’s poor record at keeping workers safe on the job. Steelworkers Local 7-1 joins the picket lines today as does the local union in Toledo, Ohio, bringing the total to over 5000 nationwide on strike as of today.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Feb. 3 statement from the Secretariat of the World Federation of Trade Unions.


By staff

Wisconsin on front lines

Milwaukee, WI – Plans to introduce so-called ‘Right to Work’ legislation are threatening to make Wisconsin the 25th state to eliminate all union contracts with mandatory dues as part of employment. Right to Work laws, now covering 24 states, particularly in the South but even in relative union strongholds like Michigan, weaken workers’ rights to collectively bargain, leading to inferior contracts and lower rates of unionization.


By Tom Burke

Grand Rapids, MI – Michigan workers are now seeing the harm caused by last year’s so-called ‘right to work’ law. Passed by Republican politicians in Lansing in 2013, the new law caused a noticeable drop in union membership – from 16.3% down to 14.5%. The trend is likely to continue as more union contracts, typically three years long, come to an end.


By Workers Party of Belgium

Workers Party of Belgium: ‘The strikers are more determined than ever to make the government withdraw’

Antwerp, Belgium – On Nov. 24 a regional general strike was organized in four Belgian provinces by the trade unions. This is part of a broader strike movement, to culminate in a national general strike on Dec. 15. The protest movement is directed against the harsh austerity measures imposed on the workers by the rightist government of Prime Minister Charles Michel and the leader of the Flemish nationalist party Bart De Wever, who is also mayor of Antwerp.