Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By J Burger

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Hammond, IN – By 4:00 p.m. Sept. 14, the negotiating committee from UAW Local 2335 had reached a tentative agreement with Lear Corporation. Over 700 workers walked off the job Sept. 13 demanding an end to the two-tier wage structure. In a major victory in the auto industry, the employer agreed to abolish the double standard in wages. Workers will return to work on Sept. 15 and have yet to ratify the agreement.


By J Burger

‘One Lear, one tier’

Lorenzo Jones, spokesperson for UAW

Hammond, IN – At 6:00 am, Sept. 13, the factory that makes seats for Ford Motor Company went on strike. Contract talks broke off Sept. 12 and United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 2335 hit the picket lines.


By Redacción

Trabajadores de comida rapida en Tucson luchan por $15

Tucson, AZ – Este pasado jueves 4 de Septiembre la ciudad de Tucson se integro al movimiento nacional “Fight for $15” o “La Lucha por el Sueldo Mínimo”. Este creciente movimiento obrero está luchando actualmente por el objetivo de sindicalizar a los trabajadores de la industria de comida rápida y lograr incrementar el salario mínimo a $15 dólares la hora. El Sindicato SEIU (Service Employees International Union por sus siglas en ingles) está jugando un papel fundamental para impulsar nacionalmente este movimiento; el cual ya tiene presencia y se encuentra activo en grandes ciudades tales como Nueva York, Chicago, Atlanta, entre otras.

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By staff

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Chicago, IL – 4000 delegates from throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico gathered here, July 14 -18, for the International Convention of AFSCME, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. Under the banner, “Bold, Brave, and Determined,” delegates discussed the impact of recent attacks on public sector unions and strategies for strengthening the labor movement.


By staff

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Minneapolis, MN – Trade unionists, historians, community members and descendants of strikers held several events in Minneapolis this past weekend, July 18 -20 to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the historic strikes by truck drivers and helpers, members of Teamsters Local 574. The three successive strikes in 1934 resulted in the defeat of the Citizen's Alliance, an anti-labor group of employers that controlled city government. The strikes established the industrial form of union organization for the first time in the trucking industry and set the stage for the organization of over-the road drivers throughout an 11-state area, eventually transforming the International Brotherhood of Teamsters into a million-plus member union.


By Cherrene Horazuk

Minneapolis, MN – The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 today in Harris vs. Quinn that home health care workers who are paid through Medicaid and state funding are not “full-fledged public employees”. Therefore, the Court reasons, home health care workers need not provide financial support to a union that represents them and bargains on their behalf.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – Several dozen Milwaukee activists attended the May 3 event “Celebrate May Day with Freedom Road Socialist Organization, A Conversation on the Year in People’s Movements and the Struggle for Socialism” to discuss the importance of International Workers Day and the fight for socialism.


By Sarah Buchner

Picket outside Asheville newspaper, the Mountain Xpress.

Asheville, NC – Two-dozen workers gathered in downtown Asheville for a rally on May 1 to celebrate International Workers Day. Community members and workers brought red flags and signs such as, “Thou shalt not steal. Stop wage theft now!” The Asheville May 1st Coalition organized the rally, bringing together organizers from Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Women Organizing to Resist and Defend, Veterans For Peace, Industrial Workers of the World, Asheville Homeless Network and Just Economics.


By staff

Joined by letter carriers, mail handlers, and UPS Teamsters

Postal Workers and other trade unionists protest USPS privatization.

Jacksonville, FL – Dozens of union workers rallied outside of the Staples store on Beach Boulevard here to oppose the proposed privatization of key United States Postal Service (USPS) jobs.


By staff

Vow to 'Fight for our future' and rebuild a fighting labor movement

Jacksonville, FL – Around 40 workers from Jacksonville attended a backyard May Day cookout to celebrate International Workers Day. The event, hosted by the newly-formed Young Workers of Jacksonville (YWJ), drew workers from across many industries and unions. A giant black-and-white banner welcomed them, “The future is ours, Young Workers fight back.”