Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Charla Schlueter

SITEL workers picket  Sept. 5

Asheville, NC – SITEL workers and community members came out on the afternoon of Sept. 5 for a lively picket, supporting SITEL workers’ right to organize. Picketers held signs opposing SITEL’s union busting practices. One read, “United we bargain – divided we beg.”


By Dee Michel

Chicago teachers rally

Chicago, IL – In the largest labor rally here in at least 30 years, tens of thousands of teachers, parents and community and trade union supporters rallied on Labor Day in preparation for a strike by the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), if Chicago Public School (CPS) doesn’t meet their demands.


By staff

Mark Froemke, an American Crystal worker, President of the AFL-CIO West Minnesot

Minneapolis, MN – On August 21, 75 people attended a dinner in solidarity with American Crystal Sugar workers who have been locked out by their employer for over a year. The event was also a fundraiser; over $9,000 was raised to support the Crystal Sugar workers who have gone without pay for over a year to stand up for their jobs and their union. The event was sponsored by AFSCME Local 3800, the clerical workers union at the U of M, and Next Wave, AFSCME’s young workers’ organization.


By Peter Adamczak

South Milwaukee, WI – On August 7, workers from Caterpillar, alongside with members of Occupy Milwaukee, kicked off the campaign to expose and defeat Caterpillar's attempts to disenfranchise and exploit workers at that plant.


By Peter Adamczak

South Milwaukee, WI – On August 7, workers from Caterpillar, alongside with members of Occupy Milwaukee, kicked off the campaign to expose and defeat Caterpillar's attempts to disenfranchise and exploit workers at that plant.


By staff

Sarah Buchner (left) with Josh Rhodes of IBEW 238 and Shana Williams

Fight Back! interviewed Sarah Buchner, a call center worker at SITEL Corporation in Asheville, North Carolina. The New South is notorious for low-wages and big corporations calling all the shots, but brave new leaders like Buchner are arising to organize unions. Their yearlong struggle for respect, better benefits and good wages is gaining power and impacting the local area.


By Tom Burke

Teamsters on strike against Grand Rapids Gravel Company.

Grand Rapids, MI – On a hot and dusty Saturday, July 28, Michigan Teamsters stood with signs reading, “Teamsters on strike against Grand Rapids Gravel Company – for as long as it takes.” The 57 gravel pit workers and drivers went on strike July 19, at 11:30 a.m., after the company refused to budge in negotiations. Grand Rapids Gravel is demanding $6 per hour in benefit cuts. The Teamsters came back with $3.26 in givebacks, but were forced out on strike anyway.


By staff

Daughter of a Palermo's striker delivering petitions in pizza boxes to Palermo's

Milwaukee, WI – Demanding the right to collectively bargain, Palermo’s frozen pizza workers have been out on strike since June 1.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Milwaukee District

Milwaukee, WI – Nearly a year and a half ago, Walker announced his plan to eliminate the right to collective bargaining for public employees and to stop in-state tuition for undocumented students. The response to these attacks were enormous. Mass mobilizations of workers from across the state took over the Wisconsin state capitol, organized protests from Green Bay to Racine, and forced a recall election against Republican Governor Scott Walker and his cronies in the state senate and assembly.


By staff

Palermo's Pizza workers out on strike

Milwaukee, WI – A few blocks from Brewers stadium, picketing in hot sun, 150 plant employees of Palermo's Pizza are out on strike.