Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Chicago, IL – The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) announced June 1 that union members will take a strike authorization vote starting on June 6. The bargaining committee for the teachers is looking for at least 75% of the CTU members to vote yes. This will deliver a powerful message to the Board of Education to actually negotiate with teachers.


By Sarah Ji

Protest organized by Chicago Teachers Union

Chicago, IL – On May 23, 4000 Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) members gathered for a historic rally inside the Auditorium Theater. Outside, there was an overflow outdoor rally beneath the Bowman sculpture at Congress Drive and Michigan Avenue that included 1500 more, including parents, students and community members.


By staff

Speaker at May 1 immigrant rights protest

Minneapolis, MN – More than 1500 people marched on Lake Street for immigrant and workers rights here on May 1, International Workers Day. Organized by the May 1st Coalition and initiated by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAc), the march focused on legalization for undocumented immigrants, ending deportations and support for workers and their unions. The march had the support of the Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation (AFL-CIO), most immigrant rights groups in the city and many Latino student groups from nearby colleges and high schools.


By Tom Burke

Tampa, FL – The Coalition To March On The RNC showed up in force at the Tampa City Council April 5, to demand permits and oppose Mayor Bob Buckhorn’s ‘Clean Zone.’ Many spoke in opposition to the mayor’s attempts to repress protests. They included Coalition representatives Dave Schneider of Fight Back Florida – a multi-city group that demands jobs, income and public spending – and Corey Uhl of Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).


By David Hoskins

The two largest unions in Spain launched a one-day nationwide strike on March 29. Many flights and train services were canceled and factories were idled across the country. The auto manufacturing industry was hit particularly hard with almost all Renault, Volkswagen, Seat and Ford factories forced to stop production. Some television stations went off the air. Mines and ports were also severely impacted by the strike.


By Jared Hamil

Farmworker fasting in front of Publix headquarters

Lakeland, FL – After a six day fast, members of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) broke bread with 1000 supporters to protest the Publix food corporation un-fair treatment of its workers, March 10. The CIW is a group of Latin American and Haitian farm workers and tomato-pickers fighting against modern day slavery and for living wages. Presently, the Immokalee Workers are putting pressure on Publix Supermarket for not paying a penny more per pound of tomatoes. Publix is mainly located in Florida but also has stores in Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama.


By Tracy Molm

Demonstrators against "Right to Work" amendment fill halls of Mn State Capitol.

St. Paul, MN – Over 1000 union members from all sections of the labor movement packed the Minnesota capitol, March 12, as right-wing legislators jammed a so-called ‘Right to Work’ constitutional amendment through a Senate committee. The proposed amendment needs to pass the both houses of the legislature for it to be placed on the ballot this fall.


By Daniel Ginsberg

Students for a Democratic Society, others join protest against Governor Walker's

Madison, WI – 65,000 workers and their supporters marched on Wisconsin's Capitol, March 10, marking one year since the fight back against Governor Scott Walker's war on the people began.


By staff

Supporters rally outside factory during takeover.

Chicago IL – 50 workers at Serious Materials, the window factory formerly known as Republic Windows and Doors, reported to work the morning of Feb. 23 only to be told that today would be their last day of work. Workers talked throughout the day and at 2:30 p.m. they came off the line and told the boss that they were not leaving the factory. They would not let the factory be stripped of its machines and sold piece by piece while they were out of a job.


By staff

Longview, WA – On Friday, members of the ILWU and the labor community named the Occupy Movement as key to the settlement reached Thursday between ILWU Local 21 and the Export Grain Terminal (EGT). The contract finally provides for the use of ILWU labor in the grain terminal at the Port of Longview. After staging the December 12 port shutdowns in solidarity with Local 21, the West Coast Occupy Movement planned coordinated action together with labor allies for a land and water blockade of the EGT ship in Longview, should it attempt to use scab labor to load. Occupys in states where EGT's parent company Bunge has its growth and operations were also planning actions against the company on the day of the arrival of the ship.