Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Brad Sigal

Mario Cololly, hunger striker for justice in retail cleaning

Minneapolis, MN – On May 21, four retail cleaning workers and four of their supporters started a hunger strike to demand justice. The goal of the hunger strike is to get Cub Foods management to start negotiating with their retail cleaning workers for better wages and working conditions. The hunger strike was kicked off with a large rally at noon. Later in the afternoon, a large group of Danzantes joined the protest and performed.


By staff

May 14 protest in Madison slams Governor Walker

Madison, WI – “Governor Scott Walker, we reject your budget!” Ben Manski said to the roar of applause at a huge rally here, May 14. “Time for you to step down!”


By staff

Chicago, IL – An anti-bargaining bill disguised as an education reform bill has passed through the Illinois Senate and moved on to the Illinois House of Representatives. This bill called SB7, includes many components that will take away the Chicago Teachers Union’s (CTU) bargaining rights and rights to strike.


By staff

May Day march for immigrant rights

Chicago, IL – Rallies and marches marked the celebration of International Workers Day in Chicago, starting at noon with a protest called by Jobs With Justice at a Walmart store in the suburb of Forest Park. Over 100 trade unionists gathered to expose the ongoing exploitation by Walmart of its workers and those in its supply chain around the world. The crowd cheered especially hard for Robert Hines from the Warehouse Workers for Justice when he spoke passionately about the struggle of his co-workers for dignity and respect. Warehouse Workers for Justice was founded by the United Electrical Workers (UE) after the successful plant occupation at Republic Windows and Doors in December, 2008.


By staff

Marching In Dallas May 1

Dallas, TX – About 80 activists, union members and socialists came together to celebrate May Day with a call for respect for the rights of workers and immigrants.


By staff

May 1 march from Cathedral to State Capitol

St. Paul, MN – More than 500 people braved frigid temperatures and gusty winds to march from the Cathedral to the Minnesota State Capitol for International Workers Day. The marchers united around demands to stop to the attacks on immigrants, workers and unions that are coming from the State Legislature.


By staff

Freedom Road Socialist Organization banner at Milwaukee march

Milwaukee, WI – Tens of thousands marched here, May 1, in the Wisconsin Solidarity March for Immigrant and Worker Rights. Sponsored by Voces de la Frontera, the march wove through Milwaukee's south side up through downtown. Richard Trumka, President of the AFL-CIO, spoke at the rally, urging the immigrant rights and labor movements to unite to fight a common enemy, one that's brought an immense attack on public sector unions and is also attacking immigrants.


By staff

Chicago, IL – In building for May Day 2011 events, Tom Burke with the Committee to Stop FBI Repression (CSFR) says, “Anti-war and international solidarity activists are joining events across the country celebrating International Workers’ Day. We are gathering signatures to the ‘Pledge To Resist,’ supporting activists who face government repression today. We plan to reach hundreds, maybe thousands of people this weekend and ask them to take a stand against political repression.”


By David Hungerford

Protest in Newark, NJ

Newark, NJ – A joint labor-community rally held here April 26 marked a significant step in unity. The Newark Anti-Violence Coalition, the People's Organization for Progress and many of the city's veteran activists spoke and turned out among the crowd of more than 200. Newark is one of the richest cities in the United States in traditions of people's struggle, and it showed.


By David Hungerford

Protest in Newark, NJ

Newark, NJ – A joint labor-community rally held here April 26 marked a significant step in unity. The Newark Anti-Violence Coalition, the People's Organization for Progress and many of the city's veteran activists spoke and turned out among the crowd of more than 200. Newark is one of the richest cities in the United States in traditions of people's struggle, and it showed.