Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Columbus, OH – Around 700 workers, students and community activists poured into and around the statehouse here yesterday, including 200 who were admitted to the House gallery to witness the passage of Senate Bill 5.


By Jared Hamil

Students, workers, and community members take a lane as they march downtown to C

Gainesville, FL – About 300 workers and students demonstrated here, March 25, against the state government's attacks and cuts. The protest was organized by Fight Back Florida, a coalition of union members and students who organized rallies all over the state. In addition to Gainesville's rally and march, 14 other cities joined in a day of action against Governor Rick Scott's attempt to make public employees pay for the budget crisis. People around Florida joined together to tell the government that if it cuts back, “we will fight back.”


By Kim DeFranco

March 17 press conference

Minneapolis, MN – In a packed press conference March 17, retail cleaning workers with the Center of Workers United in Struggle (CTUL, Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en Lucha) and their allies called upon Cub Foods to put an end to retaliation, violent reactions to peaceful protests and to meet with cleaning workers. The workers are demanding that Cub establish a code of conduct ensuring fair wages and working conditions for all workers who clean their stores.


By Tom Burke

March 15 protest slams Governor Snyder

Grand Rapids, MI – 150 people protested here, March 15, against Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s plans to impose extreme budget cuts to health clinics, schools and other social services. The crowd chanted, “It’s not fair!” “Chop from the top!” and “They say cut back. We say fight back!” outside a health clinic serving mainly women and children on Cherry Street in Grand Rapids.


By staff

Photo ofMarch 14 protest at UWN.

Milwaukee, WI – Hundreds rallied at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM), March 14, as protests continue against Governor Scott Walker's anti-union, anti-people attacks. The rally was the third mass action taken at the university in recent weeks and included speeches by student, community and union leaders.


By mick

Photo of tractors at Wisconsin labor march.

Madison, WI – More than 50 tractors, some with manure spreaders, joined the massive March 12 protest at the Wisconsin state capitol here. The Farmer Labor Tractorcade was organized by the Wisconsin Farmers Union and Family Farm Defenders.


By staff

Crowd of 150,000 people in Madison March 12.

Madison, WI – As of 3:00 p.m. today, March 12, the number of protesters at the state capitol here has swelled to more than 150,000. Senators who had left Wisconsin in an attempt to block Governor Walker’s union-busting legislations returned to an enthusiastic welcome.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Freedom Road Socialist Organization salutes the workers, students and community participants in the March 12 protest in Madison, Wisconsin. Everyone filling the streets around the state capitol is sending a clear message to the rich and powerful – we will not sit back in silence while our right to collectively bargain is taken away. The moment has arrived to stand up and do whatever it takes to defend our unions, our standard of living, and our future.


By staff

Madison, WI – As of 1:00 pm today, March 12, about 70,000 protesters have converged on the Wisconsin State Capitol. Trade unionists and supporters from around the state are arriving in buses. The streets around the capitol are full of marchers, with more arriving every moment.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following article from Workers World