Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Chicago, IL – This past year was a tough year for Teamsters Local 743. Reformers Richard Berg and Eugenia Alvarez were wrongly removed from office by Teamsters International President James Hoffa. The remaining executive board members, in office for only five months, spent the time fighting amongst themselves. They then ran against one another in the recent union election.


By staff

Speakers at Chipotle workers' press conference, 12/14/2010, Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – On Dec. 14, Juan and Maria, two workers from Chipotle Mexican Restaurant who are Mexican immigrants, spoke out at a press conference after being fired as part of a statewide immigration sweep. Over 20 other fired Chipotle workers stood by them as they told what has happened over the past week and presented their demands to Chipotle Mexican Restaurant and to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – A growing number of trade unions are taking a stand against the recent FBI raids and grand jury witch hunt against anti-war, international solidarity and labor activists. Ten of the 14 people subpoenaed are trade unionists who have been active members of AFSCME, SEIU, Teamsters, and Education MN. They’ve been on the front lines and picket lines supporting their sisters and brothers during strikes, contract campaigns and workplace struggles. They have been vocal supporters of workers’ rights around the globe and they’re now under attack for speaking out against U.S. foreign policy. But in the spirit of “an injury to one is an injury to all,” the labor movement is coming to their defense.


By staff

Duluth, MN – On Oct. 14, delegates to the 17,000-member Duluth AFL-CIO Central Labor Body unanimously adopted a resolution of support for Midwest anti-war activists facing FBI and Department of Justice harassment. The resolution calls for a congressional inquiry into government spying and grand jury investigations of U.S. social movements and will be hand-delivered to U.S. Senators Klobuchar and Franken by Duluth Central Labor Body President Dan O’Neill.


By Joe Iosbaker

UIC workers march on October 7.

Chicago, IL – For over a year, the University of Illinois-Chicago (UIC) has been the scene of intense struggle between the 2700 workers represented by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 73 and their employer. In the latest development, UIC’s Chancellor Paula Allen-Meares announced Oct. 10 that the director of Human Resources, John Loya, would step aside. He is being replaced by an assistant vice president from central administration in Urbana, Illinois.


By Kati Ketz

Over one hundred thousand gather on National Mall to demand jobs on October 2

Washington DC – Over 175,000 people rallied here on Oct. 2 to demand jobs and income, the right to higher education, to defend civil rights and protest racism, and to oppose right-wing politics. The NAACP, SEIU, and AFL-CIO were among the main sponsors of the rally. Thousands of NAACP chapters, union locals, and progressive organizations all over the country worked together to mobilize the huge turnout for the demonstration, stressing the need for workers to unite.


By Network to Fight for Economic Justice

Fight Back News is circulating the following call from the Network to Fight for Economic Justice to join the massive protest set for Oct. 2 in Washington, D.C.


By staff

Jimmy Johns workers and supporters picket in Minneapolis on Labor Day 2010.

Minneapolis, MN – On Sept. 14, workers at nine Minneapolis Jimmy John’s sandwich shop locations filed for a union election with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). They have organized as the IWW Jimmy John’s Workers Union and state they have the support of more than half the workers at the nine Jimmy John’s Minneapolis stores. If the majority of workers vote for the union in the NLRB election, then franchise owner Mike Mulligan will be legally bound to negotiate with them. Since publicly announcing the formation of their union on Sept. 2, Mulligan has refused to meet with the workers.


By Kosta Harlan

March organized by CGE Local 6069 confronts OSU administration

CGE Local 6069 VP of Organizing Michelle Zellers speaks at rally.

Corvallis, OR – Chants rang out across the steps of Memorial Union on the campus of Oregon State University (OSU) Sept. 8, as 100 graduate workers, staff, professors and students rallied in support of a fair contract for the graduate employees. “Who does the work? We do! Who are we? C-G-E! What do we want? Contract!”


By staff

Members of the Network to Fight for Economic Justice have been leafleting and petitioning at unemployment offices demanding that Congress and state governments take action to extend and expand unemployment benefits.