Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

There is a big battle going on in the Teamsters Union, pitting reformers against corrupt officials. In Chicago, Teamster union reform leaders, President Richard Berg and Secretary Treasurer Gina Alvarez of Local 743 were removed from office by Teamster President Jimmy Hoffa Jr. this past Friday. Hoffa’s action aids corrupt union officials and criminals trying to worm their way back into Chicago’s Teamster unions. Fight Back! interviewed Richard Berg just before he received the official letter from Hoffa Jr.


By staff

Members fighting mad

Chicago, IL – Fight Back! learned May 9 that Jimmy Hoffa, Jr., at a meeting in Las Vegas, has joined with the corrupt Teamsters officials in Chicago to remove President Richard Berg and Secretary Treasurer Gina Alvarez from office in Local 743. Berg and Alvarez are rank-and-file reformers who fought for years against the gangsters who ran their union while Hoffa and officers of the Joint Council in Chicago turned a blind eye to the corruption in the local.


By Masao Suzuki

La gente marcha en San Francisco en 1 de mayo.

San Francisco, CA – El primero de mayo, miles de personas se juntaron en la Misión de la comunidad latina de San Francisco y marcharon al Centro Cívico. Un tema común fue la oposición a la nueva ley de Arizona, SB 1070. Organizaciones comunitarias de latinos y asiáticos, sindicatos y estudiantes universitarios se unieron con familias y con organizaciones religiosas, anti-bélicas y solidarias para la marcha. Se escucharon consignas de “Si se puede!” y “Obama, escucha, estamos en la lucha!” Trabajadores latinos salieron de restaurantes, talleres y lavaderos para ver y apoyar la marcha.

#SanFranciscoCA #Labor #MayDay #May1 #elDíaInternacionalDeLosTrabajadores #1DeMayo #SB1070

By Eric Gardner

250,000 trabajadores inmigrantes y sus aliados marcharon aquí hoy por los derechos de los inmigrantes, denunciando la ley racista de Arizona SB1070 y exigiendo “Legalización Ahora!”

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By Masao Suzuki

Marchers in San Francisco on May Day.

San Francisco, CA – On May 1, thousands of people gathered in San Francisco’s Latino community in the Mission and marched to the Civic Center. A common theme was opposition to Arizona’s new law, SB1070.


By Eric Gardner

250,000 immigrant workers and allies marched for immigrant rights here today, denouncing Arizona’s racist SB1070 law and demanding “Legalization now!” The march on International Workers’ Day demanded that the Democratic Party and President Obama live up to their election campaign promise to pass comprehensive immigration reform.


By James Jordan

Protestor holding sign "A better world is possible"

Tucson, AZ – Around 15,000 people took to the streets here May 1 to celebrate May Day and to demand an end to racist anti-immigrant attacks at all levels of government, including an end to the hated SB1070 (the harshest anti-immigrant law in the nation), an end to border militarization and in support of immigration reform that is humanitarian rather than punitive.


By Fern

The CIW has won victories against several major food corporations

Lakeland, FL – Over 1500 farmworkers and their allies gathered throughout the weekend of April 16-18 to fight for an end to slave-labor practices and for higher wages in south Florida.


By Redacción

Minneapolis, MN – La Coalición para los Derechos de los Inmigrantes en Minnesota (MIRAc, por sus siglas en ingles) tiene un nuevo video para ganar fuerza para la marcha del 1 de mayo, Día Internacional de los Trabajadores, en Minneapolis. La marcha se enfoca en los derechos de los trabajadores y los inmigrantes, con los temas principales de 'igualdad para todos' y 'legalización para todos'. El video nuevo incluye entrevistas con personas en la calle expresando su apoyo para la marcha y promoviéndola. La marcha del 1 de mayo en Minneapolis empezara a las 2:00 p.m. en el parque Martin Luther King en la Avenida Nicollet y calle 41. Más que 25 organizaciones han dado su apoyo a la marcha, y la coalición sigue creciendo.

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By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Coalition (MIRAc) has released a new video in Spanish to build momentum for the march in Minneapolis on May 1, International Workers Day. The march will focus on workers' rights and immigrant rights, with the themes “Equal rights for all” and “Legalization for all.” The video features interviews with people on the street expressing support for the march and encouraging others to attend. The Minneapolis May 1 march will begin at 2:00 p.m. in Martin Luther King Park on Nicollet Avenues and 41st Street. More than 25 organizations have endorsed the march, and the coalition continues to grow.

#MinneapolisMN #Labor #MIRAc