Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Chapin Gray

Students hold sign "Students in Solidarity with Crimson Ride Drivers"

Tuscaloosa, AL – Alabama bus drivers are on strike. At the University of Alabama, bus drivers, students and supporters picketed First Transit headquarters the morning of March 1. The Crimson Ride Shuttle Drivers, part of ATU Local 1208, decided to strike after First Transit offered the workers crumbs from the table. At last week’s negotiation, First Transit refused to offer a living wage, job security and decent health care benefits. The Alabama bus drivers, who make $9.50 an hour, decided they had had enough.


By Joe Iosbaker

Jes Cook habla en la manifestacion en frente de la Junta de Administradores

Universidad de Illinois (Chicago) – Los Empleados de Posgrado de la Universidad de Illinois votaron contundentemente anoche para autorizar una huelga. El contrato para 1400 de los empleados de posgrado y asistentes de catedra se vencio en agosto del año pasado. La Organizacion de Empleados de Posgrado (GEO por sus siglas en Ingles) ha estado en negociaciones desde abril del 2009, pero la actitud de la administracion sigue dirigida al “retraso del contrato” de acuerdo a la pagina de internet del GEO en Enero de este año. Esto ha sido asi por la duracion de todo el proceso de negociacion y por supuesto, la universidad ha usado la crisis presupuestaria del estado como pretexto de inaccion.

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By Joe Iosbaker

Jes Cook speaks at rally outside Board of Trustees meeting in January

Chicago, IL – University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) graduate employees voted overwhelmingly Feb. 15 to authorize a strike. The contract for the 1400 graduate and teaching assistants at UIC expired in August. The GEO has been in negotiations since April of 2009, but management’s attitude at the table has been “all about delay, delay, delay…” according to a GEO blog site in January. This has been true for the entire length of the bargaining process, and of course, the university has been using the state budget crisis as further excuse for inaction.


By Network to Fight for Economic Justice

Students gather signatures supporting U of Alabama bus drivers

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Network to Fight for Economic Justice urging support for the Crimson Ride bus drivers.


By Jenae Stainer

Chapin Gray speaking on a bus

Tuscaloosa, AL – Over the last month, students and bus drivers have been working together in order to win a living wage for the Crimson Ride shuttle drivers at the University of Alabama. The bus drivers are not state employees, but are contracted by FirstGroup PLC, a multinational corporation notorious for unfair labor practices.


By staff

Fight Back New Service is circulating the following statement from the Workers Party of Belgium (WPB) on the dramatic victory won by Belgian workers at Anhauser-Busch InBev, who defeated a restructuring plan that would have resulted in layoffs.


By Brad Sigal

Minneapolis, MN – On Saturday, Feb. 6, about 40 people gathered at the Minneapolis Labor Center to train for civil disobedience in support of the janitors of SEIU Local 26. The janitors clean the downtown office buildings of some of the richest banks and corporations in the country, but they have low pay and bad work conditions. Since the janitors' union contract expired on Jan. 8, a strike of the 4000 janitors – mostly Latino and East African immigrants – could begin at any time. The janitors are demanding “good, clean, green jobs” along with full-time work at a decent wage, safe and environmentally friendly cleaning chemicals and day jobs instead of overnight shift. Their employer is refusing to move in negotiations.


By Laura Langley

Students in solidarity with the Crimson Ride drivers

Tuscaloosa, AL – Bus drivers, with the support of students at the University of Alabama (UA), are organizing a union campaign to win a living wage. The bus drivers shuttle students, football fans and others around the UA campus. Student activists are riding the buses to sign up student supporters for the bus drivers. The 62 Crimson Ride Shuttle Bus drivers work for FirstGroup PLC, a huge British multinational corporation. The union drivers and students are exposing the British company’s big ripoff of Alabama workers and taxpayers.


By Brad Sigal

SEIU 26 janitors vote "yes" to authorize a strike

Minneapolis, MN – On Jan. 30, hundreds of janitors, mostly Latino and East African immigrants, held a spirited meeting at the Minneapolis Labor Center and voted nearly unanimously to authorize a strike. When the strike vote was taken, the multinational crowd chanted and held up signs reading “Yes! Sí! Haa! Ee! Oui!” ('Yes!' in English, Spanish, Somali, Oromo and Amharic). With the strike authorization vote, the workers can now strike if the union’s negotiating committee decides a strike is necessary to win their demands.


By Fern

Workers rally at the City Hall steps in Jacksonville, FL

Jacksonville, FL – Over 200 supporters of Jobs for Jacksonville rallied to protest Turner Construction's unjust and unlawful labor practices, Jan. 26. Union members from the Carpenters, IBEW, Boilermakers, Sheet Metal Workers and the Teamsters are waging a campaign against Turner Construction. Turner refuses to hire out-of-work construction workers in Jacksonville for the Duval County Courthouse building project. This is a blatant breach of Turner Construction's contract, which promised to provide many jobs for the economically hurting building trades people in Jacksonville.