Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Union workers with AFSCME Local 3800 speaking and holding banners

Minneapolis, MN – More than 75 workers, students and community supporters rallied at Morrill Hall, the central administration building here, Jan. 21, to oppose attempts by President Bruininks and senior administrators to balance the budget on the backs of staff and students.


By Joe Iosbaker

Picketers holding signs that say "No Furlough Days" at UIC

Chicago, IL – Over 200 workers, faculty and students at the University of Illinois-Chicago (UIC) marched here, Jan. 21, to demand full funding for higher education and an end to threatened furloughs and layoffs. The rally was held outside the meeting of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees. It was called by a coalition of unions, including SEIU and the Graduate Employees Organization (GEO), as well UIC Concerned Faculty, an ad hoc group, and student activists.


By staff

_Hoffa Grants Stay of Effectiveness to Berg and Alvarez _

Chicago, IL – Two days after Teamsters Joint Council 25 suspended Richard Berg and Gina Alvarez from office over trumped up charges, the International president, Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. has granted them a stay of effectiveness. This will be in place until the international hears their appeal. Berg and Alvarez will be restored to their positions in the union immediately.


By staff

Richard Berg, Teamsters Local 743, speaking at a conference.

Chicago, IL – Chicago Teamster bosses ousted reformers Richard Berg and Gina Alvarez from union office today in a power struggle between grassroots reformers and old guard Teamster officials over one of the largest Teamster local unions in Chicago and the country.


By staff

Protesters back Palestine in Chicago

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following letter, written by Labor for Palestine to the President of the AFL-CIO, urging support for the campaign to boycott Israel.


By Eric Gardner

Sign says "No Cuts No Fees Education Should be Free" at UCLA

Los Angeles, CA – Students from all over the state of California gathered at the University of California regents meeting on UCLA campus Nov.19. They were there to protest proposed fee hikes.


By Kosta Harlan

Hundreds of students protest the UC Regents meeting at UCLA.

Los Angeles, CA – As of Nov. 18, dozens of tents are cropping up on UCLA’s quad as over 100 students begin a tent city, part of an all-night protest against the budget cuts, layoffs and tuition hikes in the University of California (UC) system. The students are waiting for buses filled with trade unionists and students from across the UC system to arrive in the early morning hours, in time for massive protests on Nov. 19 and 20.


By staff

Lead negotiator for the GEO Kerry Pimblott

Urbana Champaign, IL – After two days of mass picketing that shut down hundreds of classes at the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, the strike by the Graduate Employees Organization (GEO) has scored an amazing victory. On the morning of Nov. 17, management tentatively agreed to keep tuition waivers intact and retreat from threatened furlough days. In response, pickets were suspended and a GEO general membership meeting was scheduled for the evening. There, the 450 members present unanimously recommended to the strike committee that it accept the agreement and suspend the strike.


By Stephanie Weiner

Trabajadores del SK Hand Tools

Chicago, IL – “Ganamos” mensajes de texto con estas palabras se distribuyeron la noche del 3 de noviembre entre huelguistas de SK Hand Tool a miembros de familia y apoyadores.   Los reportes directos al hecho de los trabajadores de SK Hand Tool tendrían seguro de salud. Había mucho más que celebrar al marcharse a la calle 47 y tirar la casa de campaña los trabajadores dejaron su voto final para el acuerdo la tarde del 3 de noviembre. Habían estado en huelga por diez semanas – desde el 25 de agosto.

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By Joe Iosbaker

Teaching assistants rallied in a cold driving rain at the University of Illinois

Urbana Champaign, IL – At 8:00 a.m., Nov. 16, hundreds of teaching assistants rallied in a cold, driving rain on the campus of the University of Illinois. The members of the Graduate Employees' Organization (GEO) set up pickets in front of all doors of the four main lecture buildings on campus. Natalie Havlin, co-chair of the GEO steward's council, said 1000 people joined in the spirited circles.