Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Urbana-Champaign, IL – On Nov. 9, the Graduate Employees' Organization (GEO) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) announced the results of its strike authorization vote.


By Fern

Protestors holding signs and listening to speeches at the protest.

A group of about 150 people, including farmworkers from Immokalee, Florida, students and community supporters, rallied on Oct. 24 to fight for better wages and working conditions for the farmworkers. Members of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) traveled to Gainesville to build their ongoing campaigns against Aramark, a major food service provider on many college campuses, and Publix, a popular supermarket chain in the South.


By James Jordan

Bogotá, Colombia – Liliany Obando es poderosa. Ella es una de los miles de prisioneros políticos de Colombia. Ya por un año, le conozco por carta. Por fin, nos conocimos en persona en tres ocasiones, durante una delegación patrocinada por la Campaña de Derechos Laborales (basado en los EEUU) y el Red de Acción Colombiana. Yo representé el Red Internacional en Solidaridad con los Prisioneros Políticos Colombianos.

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By staff

Stephanie Weiner of NFEJ presents $1,500 to SK Hand Tool striker John McHale

Stephanie Weiner of the Network to Fight for Economic Justice presented $1,500 to SK Hand Tool striker John McHale. The money was raised October 3, at the 'We Say Fight Back' conference in Chicago, where trade union, community, immigrant rights, and student activists came together to found the Network to Fight for Economic Justice. SK Hand and Tool strikers were prominent in the conference and attendees vowed to build support for the strike.


By staff

Saladin Muhammad is a veteran leader of the labor and African American liberation movements in North Carolina. He is responsible for coordinating organizing in North Carolina and Virginia for the North Carolina and Virginia Public Service Workers Unions UE Locals 150 and 160. Muhammad is building the fight against a North Carolina law, NC 95-98, which limits workers' rights to collectively bargain.


By staff

San Francisco, CA – Protesters picketed Wells Fargo's global corporate headquarters in the financial district here, July 10. Progressives, trade unionists, students and professionals came together to put forth the slogan “Bankers got bailed out, workers got sold out!” to the busy lunch hour crowds. Their aim was to publicly denounce the giant bank for the actions it has been trying to take against the workers at Quad City Die Casting in Moline, Illinois.


By James Jordan

Bogotá, Colombia – Liliany Obando is powerful. She is one thousands of Colombian political prisoners. For a year now, I have known Liliany through letters. We finally met face-to-face on three occasions, during a delegation sponsored by the U.S.-based Campaign for Labor Rights and the Colombia Action Network. I represented the International Network in Solidarity with Colombia’s Political Prisoners.


By staff

Mick Kelly speaking at the podium, with a "We need jobs now" banner behind him

Pittsburgh, PA – A powerful march for jobs filled the streets here, Sept. 20, in the first major protest before the G-20 summit. Organizers estimate more than 1000 people joined the demonstration, which marched from the Hill district, the historic center of the city’s African American community, to Freedom Corner.


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Workers holding a sign that says "SK Took Away our Healthcare"

Norma Trinidad and 20 of her co-workers stood in front of the Sears store on Dearborn Street in Chicago’s Loop, Sept. 18, handing fliers to people as they walked past. These members of Teamsters Local 743 are on strike against SK Hand Tools. They came to ask Sears customers not to buy the tools made by the SK workers.


By staff

Chicago, IL – In the final days of August, members of Teamsters Local 743 accepted a new contract at the University of Chicago Medical Center. A month ago, the 1350 workers overwhelmingly rejected an offer from the employer which offered no meaningful pay increases or job security. With this support behind them, the bargaining committee returned to the table and emerged with significant improvements. 68% of their fellow workers voted yes on the new offer.