Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

In industry after industry, manufacturing or service sector, greedy employers have a common agenda for unionized workers. They are going after our wages and working conditions; they want to gut our health care plans and pensions; they want more from workers while giving us less – in a word, they want concessions.


By Fight Back! Editors

Make no mistake about it: the Bush administration is waging a war at home and abroad. While bombs rain down on Afghanistan, destroying homes, hospitals and mosques, the White House is presiding over an assault on the rights and on the standard of living of working and oppressed peoples at home.


By Fight Back! Editors

On May 1, hundreds of millions of working people will stand up and say NO to exploitation, poverty, and oppression. In every country on the globe, women and men, employed and unemployed, will come together to celebrate May Day, International Workers Day.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Protesters who converged on Seattle for the meeting of the World Trade Organization did something really great, for the people of this country and peoples of the world.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – More than fifty poor and working people came together to celebrate May Day, international workers day, May 6. The event, organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization stressed the victories won by the peoples struggle in the past year, the fights that lie ahead, and the need for unity between employed and unemployed workers. Half the people attending the event were from the low income community and engaged the fight against welfare cuts.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization-Minnesota/Madison

During the first week of May, hundreds of millions of working people around the world will celebrate May Day – the international holiday of the working class. It is a day for working people to say Enough is Enough!


By la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

¡Que viva la lucha popular!

El primero de mayo, el día internacional de los trabajadores, es un día de lucha. Alrededor del mundo, trabajadores marcharán en contra de la guerra imperialista, para defender los derechos de los inmigrantes en su lucha para proteger sus trabajos y comunidades. Aquí en los Estados Unidos, el 1ro de mayo renació cuando millones de chicanos, mexicanos y centroamericanos junto a otros inmigrantes y sus aliados, llenaron las calles para exigir la legalización, un fin de las redadas y deportaciones y el paro de la militarización de la frontera.

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By Editorial ¡Lucha y Resiste!

Mientras los medios capitalistas halagan a Ronald Reagan por haber “restaurado la confianza a América,” milones de estadounidenses y milones más en el resto del mundo han sido forzados  a enfrentar la pobreza y guerra como resultado de las políticas de Reagan.

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By Fight Back! Editors

While the corporate-controlled media is singing praises of Ronald Reagan for “restoring confidence to America,” millions of Americans and millions more around the world have been forced into poverty and war as a result of his policies.


By Redacción

Pancarta dice "Rateros"

Para los miembros del Local 743 de los Teamsters en Chicago, tener oficiales vendidos es muy común. Los votos amanados en los contratos, votos amanados para elegir delegados en las fábricas, negociaciones a espaldas de los trabajadores con los patrones, éstas y otra variedad de quejas son actualmente el estado normal en nuestra Unión.

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