Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Chicago, IL – The videos below are of the Dec. 6 Chicago rally is support of the workers occupying the Republic Windows factory. This important struggle is drawing support from workers across the country.

#ChicagoIL #ImmigrantRights #RepublicWindowsAndDoors #UELocal1110 #UnitedElectricalWorkers #takeover

By Stephanie Weiner

Chicago, IL – The cafeteria at Republic Windows Factory on the North West side of Chicago was filled with workers tonight, Dec. 5. In a militant action, they have taken over and occupied the block-long building still filled with expensive merchandise and equipment. The 200 workers have been told that their plant is closing but have not been paid by the guidelines set forth in the WARN Act. It is estimated that the workers are owed $1million. The courageous workers insist that they get paid before the assets are removed from the expansive plant. They are especially outraged that the very Bank of America that claims it can not pay the Republic workers is the bank that received $25 billion in the last U.S. bail out!


By mick

Man and woman with raised fists

Canton, IL – About 100 trade unionists and others gathered here, July 8, for Solidarity Day 2. This second annual picnic and program celebrating the solidarity of working people brought together labor activists from Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota and Missouri. Rob Wilson, a rank-and-file leader of UAW members at Caterpillar told the crowd that the corporate elite that run this country do not care about anyone or anything except their bottom line. Larry Solomon, retired president of Decatur UAW Local 751 and a legendary labor leader of the mid-1990s battle with Caterpillar, gave the Solidarity Day address, in which he called on workers to come together to transform the labor movement and the country as a whole. Other speakers included Tom Seymour, retired president of UAW Local 858 and Leroy McKnight, a General Motors retiree.


By Mike Griffin

Meredosia, IL – Celanese Emulsions illegally locked out the 150 families of Boilermakers Local 484 in Meredosia, Illinois, on June 5, 2005. In a continuing war on American workers, Celanese, a German-based multinational affiliated with National Starch, turned the tranquility of this small Illinois river community of 1100 into a war zone, changing the lives of local residents forever. Instead of negotiating in good faith [the subject of an National Labor Relations Board charge], Celanese brought in the services of Special Response Team, a Roanoke, Virginia-based company that specializes in breaking strikes and unions.


By Redacción

Protesta del Comité para el Derecho de Asistencia Pública frente al capitolio de

St. Paul, MN – Frente a una pancarta que dice, “Rescate del pueblo pobre y trabajador – No a los billonarios!” las líderezas del Comité por el Derecho de Asistencia Pública anunciaron una campaña para combatir el impacto de la creciente crisis económica en una conferencia de prensa el 29 de octubre. Acompañándolos en la actividad se hicieron presentes miembros del sindicato de oficinistas AFSCME 3800, el Comité Anti-guerra, Mujeres en Contra de la Militarización y otros grupos que luchan por la paz y la justicia.

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By staff

Chicago IL – One year after Chicago Teamsters Local 743 officials were caught stealing the Local’s officer election, U. S. District Judge Robert Gettleman has agreed to hear a case brought by rank-and-file members of Local 743 against their corrupt union officials.


By Joe Iosbaker

Chicago, IL – Governor George Ryan has taken a big ax to the state budget. His target is working people. He plans to lay off 3000 employees, and to cut back on services like health care for the poor.


By staff

Sign says: Walson = Theft

Chicago, IL – They tried to steal the Teamsters Local 743 election and they were caught red handed. Bob Walston, Diane Strickland and the rest of the 743 old guard officers could not win an election on their own, so they resorted to cheating. The election race pitted the rank-and-file New Leadership Slate against the corrupt, mob-tied, old guard.


By Richard Berg

Berg and Fox are Rank and File leaders in Teamster Local 743


By staff

The late William Jenkins, appearing on CAN-TV

Chicago, IL – On Oct. 30, 2001, the workers' movement lost a voice – and a camera – when William Jenkins died of heart failure.