Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By mick

Iowa City, IA – Registered nurses (RN's) at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics are sick and tired of forced overtime. RN's are told to put in 16-20 hours extra, in every 6 week period. Many are putting in even more “voluntary” hours because of pressure from supervisors.


By staff

Iowa City, IA – After 4 years of no pay raises, nurses at the Veterans Administration Hospital took action. Following a change in union leadership, stewards and active members of American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), Local 2547 got organized.


By staff

Iowa City, IA – A powerful living wage campaign is underway in Johnson County. This fall, a measure will be put before the county board that wold require any company getting county money to pay enough for a family to get by on.


By staff

Iowa City, IA – Nurses and other professional staff at the University of Iowa hospitals and clinics won a great victory over a hostile management. Following up on a successful organizing drive, they pushed for, and won a decent contract. They are now represented by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).


By Workers Party of Belgium

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following article from the press service of the Workers Party of Belgium on the struggle of Belgian autoworkers. A massive protest is planned for Brussels, Dec. 2.


By Workers Party of Belgium

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Workers Party of Belgium on the upsurge of struggle on the part of the Belgium’s working class


By Workers Party of Belgium

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement that we received from the Workers Party of Belgium. It gives valuable information on the general strike that rocked Belgium on Oct. 7.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

U.S. Labor Against War (USLAW) will tour six Iraqi trade unionists across the country soon. Many trade unionists and activists are interested in the experience of Iraqi trade unionists organizing under the U.S. occupation of Iraq, but anti-war and labor activists should be cautious about the message of these events.


By Stephanie Karamitsos

Protest signs against fast track

Washington D.C. – Fed up with the domination of the U.S. government by big corporations, workers came to Washington D.C. for the second convention of the Labor Party, July 25-28. Over 500 delegates, representing many thousands of workers from unions, worker organizations and Labor Party chapters, as well as at-large delegates, came to challenge corporate power and set a course for workers to have a voice in the halls of government.


By Stephanie Karamitsos

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Washington, D.C. – “On every major headline issue of the day, the Labor Party, at its very inception in 1996, had charted a pathway to protect workers' interests. Now, more than ever before, workers of America should rededicate themselves to building their own movement.” states Labor Party National Organizer, Tony Mazzocchi.