Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Thousands rally in support

Minneapolis, MN – Amid cheering striking workers, students and faculty, Elizabeth Edwards, wife of presidential candidate John Edwards, spoke in support of University of Minnesota clerical, technical and health care workers, Sept. 5. The rally was one of the high points in the first day of the strike.


By staff

Two AFSCME leaders addressing Labor Day Rally.

St Paul, MN – At a Labor Day press conference, University of Minnesota AFSCME leaders blasted attempts by the employer to inflict a lousy contract on university workers. AFSCME workers then marched in the Saint Paul Area Trades and Labor Assembly Labor Day parade to raise awareness of the economic injustice at the University of Minnesota.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – 300 union and community members rallied here, Aug. 30, supporting of University of Minnesota AFSCME workers. The workers are planning to strike Sept. 5. The rally showed enthusiastic support for AFSCME workers from students, faculty, elected officials, other unions and community organizations.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Last week the University of Minnesota AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) heard from 72% of its members that the Aug. 10 offer of 2.25% and 2.5% were not acceptable wage proposals. They rejected this offer and voted to authorize a strike.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The Bureau of Mediation Services has ordered the University of Minnesota AFSCME's strike date to be Sept. 5, instead of Sept. 4, the date the union expected. The mediator has called both parties back to the mediation table tomorrow, Aug. 29.


By Brad Sigal

women on bullhorn

Minneapolis, MN – Four union locals representing over 3,500 workers at the University of Minnesota are preparing for a strike on the first day of classes for a decent wage increase. On August 10th, the union negotiating committee unanimously recommended that workers reject the U administration’s contract offer and authorize a strike.


By Brad Sigal

Minneapolis, MN – Workers at the University of Minnesota are fighting for a wage increase. On June 13, members of U of M AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) packed the room and testified at the University on Minnesota Board of Regents public hearing on the budget. They told the regents that union members’ salaries have lost about 5% of their value compared to inflation since 1994. Meanwhile, the university president’s salary has gained almost 80% in value above the rate of inflation, and all other high-end administrators have also gained salary increases well over the rate of inflation.


By Brad Sigal

Voting-sign in 3 languages: "Yes - Si - Haa" at mass srike vote.

Minneapolis, MN – On Jan. 13, hundreds of janitors, the majority Latino and Somali immigrants, held a spirited meeting at the Minneapolis Labor Center and voted nearly unanimously to authorize a strike. The multinational crowd chanted, “Yes we can do it!” in Spanish (“Sí se puede!”) and in Somali (“Haa wakarna!”). When the vote was taken to authorize a strike, members held up signs reading “Yes! Sí! Haa!” (‘yes’ in English, Spanish and Somali).


By Brad Sigal

Bloomington, MN – AFSCME Council 5, which represents over 40,000 public sector workers in Minnesota, held its annual convention here Oct. 5-7. At the convention, two notable resolutions were passed, both of which were written by AFSCME Local 3800, the clerical workers union at the University of Minnesota.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Members of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) will continue their strike against Northwest Airlines. In a vote tallied Dec. 30, more than 70% of striking AMFA members who were eligible to vote overwhelming rejected Northwest’s latest offer. The offer amounted to four weeks severance pay and allowed some workers to collect unemployment benefits. The scabs who are currently doing AMFA work would have remained.