Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Brad Sigal

Signs say, “Save public education!”, one letter per sign

Minneapolis, MN – More than 150 clerical workers at the University of Minnesota protested Governor Tim Pawlenty when he came to campus on Feb. 28. Pawlenty had the nerve to show his face on campus just a week after he proposed to cut the University’s budget by $185 million. He was also pushing a wage freeze for University workers and yet another large tuition increase for students, who have already suffered two years in a row of 13% tuition increases.


By staff

Speech by Phyllis Walker, AFSCME 3800 president

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St Paul, MN – An increasing number of local labor unions are speaking out against a possible war with Iraq. The following is a speech given by the president of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 3800, Phyllis Walker, at an anti-war rally Oct. 26, 2002 at the Minnesota State Capitol. More than 10,500 people attended that rally.


By J Burger

Minneapolis, MN – University of Minnesota workers have won some real victories, and look forward to winning more.


By Steff Yorek

Picket line.

St Paul, MN – On Oct.1, 28,000 members of the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and the Minnesota Association of Professional Employees (MAPE) started striking for better health benefits and wage increases. This is the largest public employee strike in MN state history, and one of the most prolonged strikes of public workers in U.S. history.


By Kim DeFranco

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Minneapolis, MN – Nurses at two hospitals, Fairview Southdale and Fairview Riverside, went on strike demanding better pay, along with better and safer working conditions. 13 other area hospitals ended up settling their contracts.


By J Burger

Minneapolis, MN – More than 400 clerical workers showed up in the mid-February cold to celebrate the growth of their union and to kick off their contract campaign. The event coincided with the ten-year anniversary of the founding of AFSCME Local 3800 at the University of Minnesota.


By Tom Burke

This is a photo of Aodolfo Cardona at a rally against Killer Coke.

The campaign to boycott ‘Killer Coke’ is spreading fast. The Coca-Cola boycott was launched July 22 by the Colombian food and beverage workers’ union, SINALTRAINAL, to shine a light on the murders of nine Coca-Cola trade unionists.


By Tom Burke

Nine trade unionists at Coca-Cola in Colombia are dead – murdered by paramilitaries with ties to Coca-Cola management. In response, the Colombia Action Network (CAN) is calling on student, community, religious and anti-war groups, as well as unions, to join protests against the Coca-Cola Company beginning July 22.


By J Burger

Jesse Jackson and members of Local 17 march on Hilton Hotel.

Minneapolis, MN – For 13 days, members of Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union (HERE) Local 17 walked the picket lines at Twin Cities hotels. The strike for better wages, dependent healthcare and dignity on the job garnered national attention. “This was a fight for the lowest paid and the most exploited worker,” said Jaye Rykunyk, principle officer of Local 17.


By Steff Yorek

picket sign

St Paul, MN – 1000 public employees and supporters rallied at City Hall, August 25, to oppose Mayor Coleman's “Compete St. Paul” privatization plan. This scheme is designed to turn over taxpayer money to private companies, allowing them to profit from providing city services.