Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Rally in support of strike at Case New Holland Industrial (CNHi).

Racine, Wisconsin – On December 17, union members and supporters rallied in support of UAW Local 180 members who have been on strike at Case New Holland Industrial (CNHi) since May. The Racine workers are demanding the large multinational agricultural equipment corporation give workers a better contract as the company hauls in record profits.


By staff

Rail workers and supporters rally in Minneapolis.

Minneapolis, MN – On Tuesday, December 13, rail workers and labor supporters held rallies across the country calling for sick time and other improvement to conditions for rail workers. It was a cold, rainy afternoon when around 200 people gathered in Northeast Minneapolis near a large rail yard. Similar rallies were scheduled to be held in 11 other U.S. cities on the same day. The rallies were organized by members of the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation (SMART) union.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On Tuesday, December 13 Rail Workers who are represented by the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART) will hold rallies in at least 12 cities across the United States calling for solidarity with rail workers.


By Zane Smith

Seattle, WA – On December 8, workers at Seattle sandwich chain Homegrown won their National Labor Relations Board election to join UNITE HERE Local 8, a food service and hospitality union. With a vote count of 59-11 for their union, workers clearly showed they wanted a seat at the bargaining table. This election, representing 130 employees at ten different cafes, came after a separate vote by distribution drivers at Homegrown-owned company Catapult NW, who also voted to join the union.


By staff

Berkeley, CA – Wednesday, November 23, around 100 people came to support the academic workers’ strike at the University of California, Berkeley. University of California’s 48,000 academic workers have been on a statewide strike that is now heading into its fourth week.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).


By Labor Commission, FRSO

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On Monday, President Joe Biden publicly called on Congress to force union rail workers to accept the sub-par contract terms he helped craft. This is shameless union busting and pre-emptive strike breaking on behalf of the billionaire railroad bosses.


By Labor Commission, FRSO

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On Monday, President Joe Biden publicly called on Congress to force union rail workers to accept the sub-par contract terms he helped craft. This is shameless union busting and pre-emptive strike breaking on behalf of the billionaire railroad bosses.


By staff

St Paul, MN – On November 20, the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) livestreamed their announcement that around 15,000 Minnesota nurses in hospitals across the state will hold a strike authorization vote. The vote to authorize another strike came after their three-day strike in September. Since then, they have been unable to obtain a contract offer that meets the nurses’ demands.


By Jennifer Lin

UC workers on strike.

San José, CA – Thousands of University of California students and workers are currently on strike across the state. In late October, the United Auto Workers union which represents 48,000 academic workers, called a strike authorization vote. In a historic vote, 98% of the 36,558 people who participated voted yes to strike. This is the largest academic workers’ strike in the history of the country.