Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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International Workers Day marked in Appleton,WI.

Appleton, WI – On May 1, over 40 people gathered in downtown Appleton at Houdini Plaza to commemorate International Workers' Day, or May Day. There were speeches from multiple local organizations. The Appleton Students for a Democratic Society, Wisconsin Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Sunrise Appleton, Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, AFT Local 6511, Wisconsin Bail Out People Movement, and United Action Oshkosh joined together for this important holiday.


By staff

Protesters demand legalization for all, jail killer cops!

May Day march in LA.

Los Angeles, CA – For the sixth consecutive year, Centro CSO held their May Day march and rally in Boyle Heights. Main demands were “Legalization for all” and “Jail killer cops.”


By Aarav Singh

May Day protest in Seattle, WA.

Seattle, WA – A crowd of 150 people gathered at Saint Mary's Church at noon on May 1 to celebrate international worker solidarity at a May Day march and rally. The group marched through the International District and downtown Seattle where speakers addressed pressing issues in the local and international worker struggles.


By Keadin Stayer

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Portland, OR – Over 150 workers took to the streets in Portland this May Day, led by a coalition of anti-imperialist and migrant-led organizations including the International Migrants Alliance (IMA), the International League of Peoples Struggle (ILPS) and the Portland branch of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.


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Tampa, FL – Labor and community activists in Tampa rallied May 1 to join the world in celebrating International Workers Day. The rally was called by the Tampa District of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, with speakers including Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society, Tampa Bay Community Action Committee and local union activists.


By staff

Jessica Westra President Local 26 IATSE stagehands

Grand Rapids, MI – West Michigan labor unions joined by community and social justice groups celebrated International Workers Day on May 1 in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


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International Workers Day march in NYC.

New York, NY – Around 400 people gathered in Union Square on a sunny afternoon of May 1, International Workers Day. Dozens of organizations based in New York came together to not only celebrate workers and our struggles, but to call for the general demands of unionizing and organizing all workers, immediate asylum for all migrants, abolishing ICE and stopping police terror.


By staff

International Workers day march in San Jose, CA.

San Jose, CA – More than 500 people marched through downtown San Jose for the annual May Day event. On one side of the street, hundreds of cars carrying Mexican flags and flags of the United Farm Workers Union drove by and honked in support. The May Day Coalition of San Jose organized the march and invited dozens of speakers from various community and labor organizations to raise issues important to their community. The community groups marched from Roosevelt Park to San Jose City Hall.


By staff

May Day march in Minneapolis, MN.

Minneapolis, MN – On a hot 87-degree afternoon, a large crowd assembled at the starting location for the International Workers Day march that was hosted by a large coalition of union, immigrant rights groups and other progressive organizations in the Twin Cities area.


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

El Primero de Mayo empezó como una celebración de la clase obrera y su lucha heroica después de la brutal violencia de la policía en el año 1886. Los trabajadores que manifestaron en Haymarket lucharon en contra condiciones de trabajo bien peor y por una campana de un día de trabajo por ocho horas. Los atacaron la policía, con muchos trabajadores heridos y muertos, muchos de ellos eran inmigrantes, resultado de un evento infamoso llamado la masacre de Haymarket. El estado de Illinois tuvo un juicio y ejecutó cuatro líderes laborales, siempre recordado como los Mártires de Haymarket. Todavía, el espíritu de este día, el primer Primero de Mayo vive y está celebrado alrededor del mundo cada año.

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