Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Protest against AT&T union busting.

West St. Paul, MN – On March 11, in West Saint Paul, dozens of union members with the Communications Workers of America (CWA) along with supporters from unions and the community braved heavy rain and winds to rally in front of an AT&T store that is set to close along with around 100 other stores in the retail chain. These closures come after nine of these stores were closed last year in Minnesota.


By Sean Orr

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Chicago, IL – In late January, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released its annual report on union density for 2020. The report’s finding includes some interesting facts – namely, that the union membership rate (the percentage of workers who belong to unions) went up for the first time since 2008, rising half a percent to 10.8% of the working class.


By staff

CTU stands up for safe schools.

Chicago, IL – It was a chilly morning. The temperature was in the low 30s as the educators from Chicago’s Passages Charter School gathered for their press conference, March 5. They were all wearing masks. They all were socially distanced. “We care about our students, we care about their families,” said paraprofessional educator Ann Stella Taylor.


By staff

Chicago transit workers are fighting back.

Chicago, IL – The time for action is now. At least that is the opinion of workers at the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA). Some of these workers formed the Justice Coalition, which held their second “Hour of Power” on February 23 at the Southside “L” Train 95th Street terminal. The demonstration called for hazard pay for CTA workers, no concession in the upcoming union contracts and safe working conditions.


By staff

Locked out workers at Marathon oil refinery.

St. Paul Park, MN – On March 1, the lockout of Teamsters at Marathon’s Saint Paul Park refinery entered its sixth week, after a 24-hour strike by the Teamsters on January 21. Marathon is pushing an agenda of job cuts and attacks on safety, so little progress has been made at the table.


By Beau Hawk

Chattanooga, TN – Teamsters across North America are organizing around the union’s upcoming international 2021 elections to demand union leadership that fights the boss and fights for the members.


By staff

Bessemer, AL – As workers at Amazon’s Bessemer, Alabama warehouse have begun voting by mail on whether or not to join the Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU), Amazon is pulling out all of the stops to try to coerce them out of voting for the union. They are trying many tactics straight out of the age-old union busting playbook and have forced workers to attend anti-union meetings, even in violation of Amazon’s own social distancing policies.


By staff

Solidarity with Amazon workers in NYC.

New York, NY – Between February 8 and March 29, over 6000 Amazon warehouse workers in Bessemer, Alabama, are voting on joining the Retail, Wholesale Department Store Workers Union (RWDSU). On Saturday, February 20, there was a national day of action called by the Southern Workers Assembly, with actions taking place in over 50 cities across the country.


By staff

Chicago, IL – The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) has waged a one-sided class war against municipal transit workers. This has gone on for decades. These workers include bus operators, mechanics, bus cleaners, clerks, supervisors, flagwomen and flagmen, customer service representatives, and train operators. Their jobs are thankless. These workers have been on the receiving end of pay cuts, garbage healthcare options, and worsening workplace safety issues. They are represented by the Amalgamated Transit Union Locals 308 (trains) and 241 (buses).


By staff

Michigan workers stand with Amazon union drive.

Grand Rapids, MI – Outside the stagehands union IATSE Local 26 headquarters in Grand Rapids, union members and youth activists attached big signs to their cars saying “Amazon needs a union!” and “Solidarity with Amazon!” They gathered in the freezing cold on February 19 for a press conference and car caravan to three Amazon centers, including a giant new one promising to employ 1000 workers.