Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Joe Iosbaker

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Chicago, IL – The strike of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 73 and the Illinois Nurses Association (INA) at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) shows no sign of ending. Starting when the INA, representing 1300 nurses walked out Saturday, September 12, the strike ballooned to 5300 on Monday, September 14, when Local 73 put down their brooms, keyboards and medical equipment to hit the picket lines.


By staff

UIC strikers

Chicago, IL – 4000 workers represented by SEIU Local 73 at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) began an open-ended strike, September 14. They join 1300 nurses represented by the Illinois Nurses Association (INA) at the University of Illinois Hospital (UIH), who began a weeklong strike on Saturday, September 12. Central to both strikes is the demand for staffing measures to protect the health and safety of frontline workers, many of whom have been exposed to COVID-19.


By staff

Chicago, IL -Today, September 12, SEIU Local 73 union leaders have discovered that UIC is bringing in workers from out of state to cross the picket line. These out-of-state workers are coming from Texas, Tennessee, Nevada and Mississippi, all of which are currently listed on the city of Chicago’s COVID Emergency Travel Order. This action calls into question UIC’s commitment to a decent contract, as it goes directly against one of the main bargaining issues, universal COVID-19 protections.


By Zachary Schultz

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Chicago, IL – At noon on Saturday, September 12, 500 nurses and their supporters rallied at University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Earlier that morning, Illinois Nurses Association members went on strike after months of UI Hospital refusing to negotiate on safe staffing. Nurses say that the hospital is unsafe without a limit to the number of patients per nurse. Other demands include adequate access to PPE (personal protective equipment).


By Jake Holtzman

Texas workers demand 600 dollar unemployment benefit.

Austin, TX – On the morning of September 8, a group of around 100 unemployed artisans, designers, technicians, stagehands and other entertainment industry workers held a protest to push for $600 in unemployment benefits and pass the HEROES Act now. The protest was organized by IATSE Local 484 and Local 205, along with many independent contractors.


By staff

Joe Iosbaker

UIC told: You don’t value the lives of workers, and the lives of Black, Latino workers even less.


By staff

UIC workers are ready to strike

Chicago, IL – SEIU Local 73, which represents about 4000 workers at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) gave notice of their intent to strike September 3. Key demands of the workers include safety, pay and respect. 94 % of the members voted for the open-ended strike which is set to begin on September 14.


By Chris Mahin

The huge procession began with 400 members of Bricklayers Union No. 6, all dressed in white aprons. They were followed by a band and then the members of the Manufacturing Jewelers union. The jewelers marched four abreast, wearing derby hats and dark suits with buttonhole bouquets. They all carried canes resting on their shoulders (similar to the way infantry officers carry swords when on parade.)


By Tom Burke

Stagehands “Push for $600” in Michigan.

Grand Rapids, MI – Joining other unions across the United States on Labor Day, IATSE union stagehands are holding a “Push for $600” on Monday, September 7, 11 a.m. near the Gerald R. Ford Museum. Currently there are 29 million workers receiving some form of unemployment across the U.S.


By staff

Trade unionists in the Philippines press for release of political prisoners.

The militant labor group Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) went to the Supreme Court grounds on Wednesday, September 2, to amplify the call for the release of minor, sick, elderly and other vulnerable detainees.