Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Washington, DC – The United Steelworkers (USW) filed a lawsuit, December 19, in the Southern District of Indiana to protest Alcoa USA Corporation’s terminating life insurance benefits for approximately 8900 union-represented retirees.


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Teamsters across the country honored co-worker killed by police

Miami, FL – UPS Teamsters across the country are participating in a nationwide moment of silence today, December 9, for #Frank Ordonez, the 27-year-old UPS package car driver killed in a police shootout after being taken hostage by armed robbers. Many Teamsters are questioning the tactics used by police, noting that the officers’ trigger-happy actions were not normal for a hostage situation and resulted in not only the death of Frank Ordonez but the death of union representative Rick Cutshaw and endangered the lives of many others.


By staff

Miami, FL – The busy holiday season for UPS Teamsters took a deadly turn on December 5 in South Florida. Miramar police shot and killed UPS driver Frank Ordonez while firing dozens of times into the side of a UPS truck he had been taken hostage in. They also killed a civilian who was nearby.


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Striking USW members with supporters.

Fight Back! interview with the president of United Steelworkers (USW) Local 937 Alex Terrazas.


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Chicago, IL – Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) members voted November 15 to accept the tentative agreement they won in the wake of their historic eleven-day strike.


By Tom Burke

Milwaukee, WI – El 3 de octubre, docenas de grupos y activistas en Milwaukee están organizando una manifestación para exigir un permiso para una marcha afuera la Convención Nacional Demócrata. Hasta ahora, el alcalde de Milwaukee, Tom Barrett, les niega el permiso a los activistas locales. Otros políticos y empresarios adinerados están cayendo sobre sí mismos prometiendo cerrar calles, interrumpir los horarios de trabajo y gastar decenas de millones de dólares en la celebración de la Convención Democrática. Sin embargo, a las personas locales se les niega un permiso de protesta para expresar sus problemas.

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By George Mavrikos

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) General Secretary, George Mavrikos, against the coup in Bolivia.


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NYC protest against political repression in the Philippines.

New York, NY – Several dozen organizers and community members gathered outside the Philippine Consulate on 5th Avenue, November 4, to demand that the government of the Philippines release the 62 organizers of legal, mass organizations who were arrested Negros and Metro Manila.


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Striking members of the CTU and SEIU Local 73 march in downtown Chicago.

Sarah Chambers is a rank-and-file member of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) and a member of their bargaining committee.


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Chicago, IL – Frontrunning candidate for the next general president of the Teamsters, Sean O’Brien, addressed the convention of Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU), November 2. O’Brien, who currently leads Local 25, spoke about the future of the Teamsters. The election will take place in 2021.

#ChicagoIL #PeoplesStruggles #Teamsters #TeamstersForADemocraticUnionTDU #SeanOBrien