Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Jacksonville, FL – At the close of business on Thursday, June 21, International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) Package Director Denis Taylor released a statement for Teamsters employed at UPS, claiming that a handshake agreement had been reached with the company. While not all details have been released, some 'highlights' were let out in the form of bullet points.


By Dave Schneider

Coworkers allege retaliation

Jacksonville Teamsters demand UPS reinstate Dustin Ponder.

Jacksonville, FL – As the expiration date for the Teamsters-UPS national master agreement rapidly approaches, UPS management has moved to crack down on union activists fighting for a better contract. On June 8, the company terminated Dustin Ponder, a union steward at UPS in Jacksonville, Florida, elected earlier this year. His activity and involvement in the 2018 contract battle and last month’s strike authorization vote have many Teamsters believing this is a case of management retaliation.


By staff

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) strongly condemns the Duterte regime and the Philippine National Police (PNP) for the violent dispersal of striking workers of Nutriasia earlier today.


By staff

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) strongly condemns the Duterte regime and the Philippine National Police (PNP) for the violent dispersal of striking workers of Nutriasia earlier today.


By Elizabeth Kramer

Tampa, FL — On June 5 the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) Package Division announced a big ‘yes’ vote for strike authorization at both UPS and UPS Freight. Teamsters voted ‘yes’ at 93.19% and 91.26% respectively.


By Dave Schneider

Both leaders will run on the Teamsters United reform ticket

Sean O’Brien announcing his candidacy for General President of the IBT.

Jacksonville, FL – Standing in front of more than 100 Teamsters gathered in a Boston, Massachusetts park, May 29, two Teamster leaders announced plans to run together for the leadership of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) in 2021.


By All Workers Militant Front (PAME)

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the All Workers Militant Front (PAME).


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – On Thursday night, May 24, Alex Brower, the president of Substitute Teachers’ Union for Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS), ended his 21-day hunger strike with a victory. Brower was fasting to win health care benefits for full-time substitute teachers. Before now, subs received their hourly pay and nothing more; previously granted benefits for subs were stolen by Scott Walker in 2011. Through his fast, Brower says he was “simply embodying the suffering that full-time subs endure every day they are forced to work without basic benefits.”


By Michael Sampson

Jacksonville, FL – After a two-day meeting of the NFL’s 32 owners, on May 23, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell announced new policy changes in the NFL regarding the playing of the U.S. national anthem before games. The new policy leaves it to individual teams to discipline players for acts deemed “disrespectful” during the anthem but also gives the league wide discretion to fine teams for actions taken by players. The policy was met with cheers from the racist Trump administration, including Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. Trump even said players who don’t stand shouldn’t even be in the country. With many NFL players and their players union, the NFL Players Association, the new policy has been met with backlash with the players union saying they weren’t consulted on the new changes regarding the anthem.


By Dave Schneider

Overwhelming ‘Yes’ vote expected as contract negotiations continue

Florida Teamsters leafleting at UPS.

Jacksonville, FL – Two crucial strike authorization votes are underway at UPS and UPS Freight. On May 16, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) began mailing ballot information to all members at UPS and UPS Freight, who will vote either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to give union negotiators the authority to call a strike.