Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Dave Schneider

Wisconsin workers protest right-to-work legislation.

Jacksonville, FL – On Dec. 8, President-elect Donald Trump announced fast food executive Andy Puzder as his pick for Secretary of Labor. Puzder is the CEO of CKE Restaurants, which owns Hardee's, Carl’s Jr. and several other national chains.


By Richard Blake

Fred Zuckerman

Jacksonville, FL – On Nov. 18, Teamsters in the U.S. and Canada awoke to find that Jim Hoffa had won re-election as president of the International Brotherhood of the Teamsters after 17 years in office. Instead of the overwhelming electoral victory that Hoffa usually experiences, the Teamsters old guard lost in the Southern Region, the Central Region, the U.S. as a whole, and only barely squeaked by in the International vote.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Nov. 19 statement from the World Federation of Trade Unions.


By Eric Struch

Kenneth Franklin, 308 president  speaking at press conference

Chicago, IL – The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) is sharpening its knives, ready to come after mechanics, bus and train operators in Amalgamated Transit Union Locals 241 and 308. According to 308 President and Business Agent Kenneth Franklin, there has been no contract since Dec. 31, 2015. CTA has been pushing for takebacks in every area in negotiations, and according to Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 241, the CTA “has evidenced no intention of reaching a fair agreement voluntarily.”


By staff

On Nov. 15, rank-and-file Teamsters in the southern U.S. delivered a huge blow to Jim Hoffa Jr., the current general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. The Teamsters United slate, which is challenging Hoffa's 17-year rule of the union, won the Southern Region by a vote of 10,789 to 8227. John Palmer and Kimberley Schultz, candidates with Teamsters United, will become the new vice presidents of the Southern Region.


By staff

“We accomplished everything”

Striking Harvard workers win

Cambridge, MA – Harvard University dining hall workers will end their strike tomorrow morning, Oct. 27, and return to work after reaching an agreement with the university that meets all of their demands. Harvard dining hall workers are reviewing and voting to ratify the contract agreement through 5 p.m. today, when this decision will become official.


By staff

Harvard strikers show what they think of the Administration

Cambridge, MA – Oct. 24 marks day 20 of the Harvard University Dining Service (HUDS) workers’ strike. The HUDS union, UNITE HERE Local 26, has been negotiating since May of this year with management. Harvard bosses refuse to budge on two key demands: fair healthcare and sustainable salaries for all full-time employees.


By staff

Students support Pennsylvania faculty strike

West Chester, PA – Pennsylvania college faculty won a new contract after three days on the picket lines and mobilizing support from students, parents and other sectors of support throughout the state.


By Ian Gallagher

Students join in solidarity pickets!

West Chester, PA – The sun was just rising on Oct. 19 when West Chester University (WCU) faculty and students discovered that the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) broke off negotiations with the faculty union the previous night. The Association of Pennsylvania State Colleges and University Faculty (APSCUF) has been negotiating for over one year, beginning back on June 30, 2015. The union represents nearly 5500 educators and coaches. The PASSHE covers 14 state universities and colleges and educates over 100,000 students.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Oct. 13 statement from the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU).