In response to the nationwide uprisings in the wake of the police murder of George Floyd, Florida cities and counties along the I-4 corridor, such as Tampa, Orlando, and Polk County, have announced curfews in an attempt to deescalate protests. In addition, Governor Ron DeSantis has deployed the National Guard to Tampa. The Central Florida District of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns these measures as they are motivated by aims to suppress the popular movements against the continuing brutality of the police against the African American community.
The Dallas Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression brought about 2500 people to the streets of downtown Dallas May 30 to protest for justice for George Floyd and Atatiana Jefferson. The protest was eventually broken up when police attacked it with dozens of tear gas canisters, rubber bullets and concussion grenades.
Chicago, IL – More than 20,000 people, including a 4000-car caravan, joined a massive protest in Chicago, today, May 30. Organized by the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, the demonstration was one of many that took place across the country.
Tallahassee, FL- For the last two days hundreds of people have been gathering in Tallahassee to demand justice for police crime victims. In just the past two months, the Tallahassee Police Department murdered three people, under the watch of killer cop Chief of Police Lawrence Revell, who murdered George “Lil Nuke” Williams in 1996. On Friday afternoon, May 29, protesters gathered at the capitol in the afternoon and then joined ranks with an evening protest organized by others at the TPD headquarters.
Milwaukee, WI – The Wisconsin District of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns the decision of Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett to impose a 9 p.m. curfew and to call in members of the National Guard to help enforce it. This curfew and the troop deployment is meant to suppress the righteous anger of the masses in Milwaukee over the city’s terrible record of police crimes.
Tallahassee, Florida – A vigil was held May 27 at the Leon Arms Apartments for Tony McDade, who was shot five times by the Tallahassee police. Officers claimed McDade was armed but haven’t provided any video evidence or even the name of the killer. The Tallahassee Community Action Committee called for a protest and vigil.
Milwaukee, WI – Several marches were held in Milwaukee on May 29 to demand justice for George Floyd, an African American man who was murdered by Minneapolis police. Protesters were also demanding justice for Joel Acevedo, a Chicano murdered by an off-duty Milwaukee police officer.
San José, CA – San Jose police backed up by county sheriffs attacked protesters as they tried to rally at City Hall on Friday, May 29. 1000 people, mainly young, had gathered to protest the killing of George Floyd and other African Americans by police. They took to the streets and blocked a freeway with signs reading “Black lives matter” and speakers condemning President Trump. But when the protest tried to march to the City Hall plaza, which is a traditional site for political rallies, they were blocked by a line of police who unleashed tear gas. When protesters resisted, the police used flashbang grenades, rubber bullets and batons to try to break up the demonstration.
The people of Minneapolis have taken to the streets the past 72 hours, demanding the arrest of the killer cops who murdered 46-year-old African American George Floyd on Monday night, May 25. Eyewitness video was released Tuesday morning showing now former Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin pinning Floyd to the ground, with Chauvin’s knee directly on the back of his neck – the video shows Floyd’s last gasps for air. You can hear him telling the killer cop that he can’t breathe and calling for his mother before you see his body going limp. Three other cops on the scene stand by, with two other cops actively helping to restrain Floyd on the ground, all ignoring the pleas of bystanders to let him breathe. Since then, tens of thousands in Minneapolis and have taken to the streets, demanding justice and retribution, which prompted the Minneapolis police to immediately terminate the four officers involved with Floyd’s murder and finally to charge and jail Chauvin May 29.
The brutal police killing of George Floyd has sparked a powerful uprising that will settle for nothing less than justice. It is a case of murder. George Floyd, an African American man, was killed in broad daylight in front of witnesses who videotaped the crime. The crime was carried out by Officer Derek Chauvin and three accomplices from the Minneapolis Police Department. And everyone knows that the Minneapolis Police Department has a history of killing Black people for being Black.
New York, NY – On May 28 members of BAYAN USA and the International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS) gathered in Midtown Manhattan for an action against the U.S-Philippines arms deal.
Los Angeles, CA – More than 1000 people marched here, May 27, to demand justice for George Floyd, an African American man who was murdered by Minneapolis police. Protesters were also demanding justice for two others who were murdered by LAPD within the last 48 hours. The action was organized by Black Lives Matter-LA and assembled at the Hall of Justice in downtown. Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey has refused to prosecute police killings, and her office is located at the Hall of Justice.
Milwaukee, WI – The police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis not only sparked a 20,000-person protest, but appears to have given rise to a broader uprising the likes of which haven’t been seen since the killings of Michael Brown in Ferguson in 2014, Freddie Gray in Baltimore in 2015, and, albeit to a lesser extent, the killing of Sylville Smith in Milwaukee in 2016.
Los Angeles, CA – On Saturday, May 30 at 3 p.m. Centro Community Service Organization (CSO) will be participating in the National Day of Protest to demand the mass release of all prisoners due to COVID-19. The action is called by the National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression and CSO is an affiliated organization with the Alliance. We are protesting the murders of Ahmaud Aubery in Georgia, Breonna Taylor in Louisville, and George Floyd in Minneapolis because they are outraging, and we must demand justice. This lynch-style, racist terrorism must stop and perpetrators must be punished.
Salt Lake City, UT – The people of Salt Lake City plan to answer the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR) call for a national day of protest May 30, demanding justice for George Floyd, Bernardo Palacios and all the people murdered by cops in the U.S.
Minneapolis, MN – Political Secretary of Freedom Road Socialist Organization Steff Yorek stated on May 26, “The United States has just reached a grim milestone, 100,000 deaths from COVID-19 with no end in sight, earning this country the dubious distinction of edging into the top ten for deaths per person, with 30.46 deaths per 100,000.”
Milwaukee, WI – On May 7, Wisconsin governor Tony Evers declared a COVID-19 testing plan that would focus on reaching all Blacks, Latinos and indigenous people in Wisconsin. The sites would be administered by and staffed by members of the Wisconsin National Guard. The significance of these sites was that individuals would be able to receive testing regardless of symptoms, healthcare or appointment.
Chicago, IL – Instituto Justice and Leadership Academy (IJLA) is a small two-floor building that rests on the corner of Western and Blue Island Avenues in Pilsen, Chicago. At first glance you would notice the mural that decorates the wall – women of color with fists in the air, “La Lucha Sigue.” You might ask yourself, “Is this a school?” and the first answer is: yes. Though, the more accurate answer is: “It’s a home, a safe haven.”
Chicago, IL – The Chicago Alliance requested a meeting with Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot regarding the proposal for an all-elected, all-Civilian Police Accountability Council (CPAC) on March 11 on behalf of the 68 community organizations and leaders who support the proposed legislation. They have renewed that request, and demand to know why, as of May 24, she has not acknowledged their request for a meeting.
Chicago, IL – The U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) commemorated the Nakba, “Catastrophe” in English, which marks the ethnic cleansing of over 750,000 Palestinians, and the massacre of thousands more, by Zionist militia groups in 1948, in the wake of the establishment of the settler colonial state of Israel. Palestinians and their supporters all around the world remember the Nakba every year on or around May 15.