Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Oppressed Nationalities

By staff

Jacksonville protest demands justice for Kwame.

Jacksonville, FL – Nearly 100 people gathered to hold a vigil demanding justice for Kwame Jones, January 17. The Jacksonville Community Action Committee (JCAC) joined with community members, along with the family and friends of 17-year-old Kwame Jones, at the intersection of 45th and Moncrief. It was an emotional night for many as the community mourns the loss of this child.


By staff

Monique Cullars-Doty, aunt of Marcus Golden.

St. Paul, MN – Saint Paul police were soundly condemned on January 14 for a decade of crimes against families and communities. Monique Cullars-Doty, a community activist, chaired a press conference that highlighted some of these crimes and called on the city council to freeze the Saint Paul Police Department budget until there is an end to these disgraceful acts, along with a guarantee of transparency in the future and justice for victims and their families. She then invited others to speak about their loved ones murdered by police.


By Gabriel Montero

Chicago, IL – In a pair of upcoming cases, Associate Judge Thomas Hennelly will have the fate of three wrongfully convicted men in his hands. Given who put them behind bars, his rulings could send a signal that Chicago has firmly turned its back on the legacy of police torture and wrongful convictions that hangs over the city. But, given Hennelly’s direct involvement in prosecuting police torture victims and his attempt to hide racist constitutional violations, Chicagoans would be remiss to expect impartiality from the bench.


By Marisol Márquez

In 1978, the Congreso de Artistas Chicanos de Aztlán (CACA) a collective of arti

Los Angeles, CA – September 16, 2019 marked the 50-year anniversary of Chicano Liberation Day. The day was proposed September 16, 1969 in El Plan Espiritual de Aztlán, as the date when Chicanos would have Independence. After 50 years we still have not gained our right to self-determination.


By staff

Kobi Guillory of the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression sp

Chicago, IL – As part of the national day of protest to demand U.S. troops out of Iraq, 1000 people rallied in front of Trump Tower in Chicago. After listening to speeches by numerous local activists, people marched across the Loop, Chicago’s central district, for several hours. One person was arrested by the Chicago Police Department, who were furious because the march disrupted traffic on the Magnificent Mile, a section of Michigan Avenue that is one of the most expensive shopping districts in the country. Later the crowd marched on Lake Shore Drive. At least one other person was arrested, but then un-arrested by the crowd.


By Jim Byrne

Arizona Asarco strikers.

Tucson, AZ – As one of the country’s longest running strikes continues into week 13, educators from Arizona’s RedForEd movement brought food donations to the picket line. The eight unions serving nearly 2000 workers at five Asarco copper mining operations have created a tradition at the Pima Mine: Sunday dinner. It’s a beautiful display of worker solidarity and union power as striking workers and their families come eat a warm meal and enjoy their camaraderie. It is there that a van-full of non-perishable goods from Phoenix-area educators was delivered.


By staff

Texas protested against anti-Muslim repression in India.

Dallas, TX – On December 22, about 1000 people gathered at Dealey Plaza in Dallas to protest the Indian Citizenship Amendment Act. The protest was called by the Indian American Muslim Council of Dallas.


By Mao Zedong

1960's poster of Mao.

To mark the 126th anniversary of the birth of Chinese revolutionary Mao Zedong, Dec. 26, Fight Back News Service is circulating his oft-quoted 1945 speech to the 7th Congress of the Communist Party of China, “The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountains.”


By staff

Mothers, teachers, Jackie Goldberg and Carlos Montes at GHS.

Los Angeles, CA – 2019 marked the ten-year anniversary of the successful fight to stop the charter school Green Dot from taking over Garfield High School. The threat started with the so-called Public School Choice 1.0, approved by the then pro-charter Los Angeles Unified School District board and Superintendent Ramon C. Cortines in 2009. Low-performing schools were to be put on a bid list. This allowed charter schools like Green Dot and others to write up a bid or proposal to take over and manage a publicly-funded school.


By staff

Washington DC – The Democratic People's Republic of Korea tested a new rocket launching system on November 29.


By Communist Party of the Philippines

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Nov. 26 statement from Communist Party of the Philippines.


By staff

Striking USW members with supporters.

Fight Back! interview with the president of United Steelworkers (USW) Local 937 Alex Terrazas.


By staff

Tampa, FL – On November 20, students at the University of South Florida (USF) gathered in front of Cooper Hall to demand that administration increases Black enrollment on campus. Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) organized and led the demonstration.


By staff

Frank Chapman.

Chicago, IL – More than a 1200 joined together November 22, at the hall of the Chicago Teachers Union, to refound the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. The newly refounded Alliance will center its efforts on building the fight against police crimes and for community control of the police, and it will campaign for the release of political prisoners and the wrongfully convicted.


By staff

Interview with Frank Chapman

Frank Chapman.

Fight Back! interviews Frank Chapman on the November 22-24 Chicago conference to refound the National Alliance against Racist and Political Repression.


By staff

Frank Chapman.

Entrevista con Frank Chapman sobre la Conferencia Nacional para la Refundación de la NAARPR este 22 al 24 de noviembre, 2019. Lucha y Resiste!: ¿Pudiera compartir unas palabras sobre cómo se lucirá la conferencia para relanzar la Alianza Nacional en Contra de la Represión Política y Racista?

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By staff

NYC protest against Israeli murders of Palestinians in Gaza.

NY, New York – On the evening of November 15, over 150 people gathered on 42nd and Broadway to demand that Israel, backed by the United States government, stop the murder and occupation of Palestinians.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) members voted November 15 to accept the tentative agreement they won in the wake of their historic eleven-day strike.


By Dylan Borne

Protesters gathered for New Orleans’ last Trans March of Resilience, Nov 2014.

New Orleans, LA- LGBT activists are getting ready for the Trans March of Resilience this Wednesday, November 20. The community’s leading Black trans organizers are heading the march. Activist groups Operation Restoration, BreakOUT!, GLAAD, the Southern Equality Fund, and the Real Name Campaign are in support.


By Meredith Aby

Minneapolis protest against U.S. backed coup in Bolivia.

Minneapolis, MN – 50 protesters rallied at the intersection of Lake Street and Bloomington Avenue in Minneapolis on November 14 in response to a call for emergency response protests. On November 8, Bolivia’s military staged a coup and ousted democratically elected President Evo Morales. Even though Morales accepted asylum in Mexico, the people’s movements have refused to back down and have been protesting in the capital. Protests internationally have been organized to show solidarity with the indigenous and workers’ movements opposing U.S. interference in Bolivia.