Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Oppressed Nationalities

By staff

The delegation from Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) with Venezuelan t

Caracas, Venezuela – The delegation from Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) met with Jacobo Torres, May 6, the international relations coordinator for the Central of Bolivarian Socialist Workers (CBST) and a member of the international relations commission of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). He also is a delegate for the working class in the Constituent National Assembly (ANC).


By Sean Orr

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Caracas, Venezuela – En el primero de mayo, día del trabajador, en el centro de la ciudad, 400,000 trabajadores acudieron a las calles por dos razones: para honrar su día, el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores; y para celebrar la derrota del intento de golpe de Estado contra su presidente electo Nicolás Maduro.

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By Cassandra Swart

Nap Pempeña of Migrante talks about human trafficking.

Richardson, TX – About 60 people came together at Faith United Methodist Church here, May 3, for a community forum on the trafficking of Filipino teachers in the nearby suburb of Garland. The forum was hosted by Migrante USA, Malaya Movement Texas, United Federation of Fil-Am Educators Texas, National Alliance for Filipino Concerns, North Texas Dream Team, Pilipino American Unity for Progress, and RAICES.


By staff

Karl Marx.

To mark the May 5, 1818 birthday of Karl Marx, Fight Back News Service is circulating a work he authored in 1864, a statement of congratulations to President Lincoln upon his reelection.


By Carlos Montes

Families unite to demand: Legalization for all, no Trump wall, no deportations!

May Day march in LA.

Los Angeles, CA – On the afternoon of May 1, International Workers Day, Boyle Heights families, workers and students protested the Trump anti-immigrant attacks and raised the demand “Legalization for all” and “No Wall on the Mexico border!”


By staff

May Day in NYC.

New York, NY – On May 1, hundreds of people in New York City celebrated on International Workers’ Day. The day was kicked off in Harlem, where a rally for the laundry workers was held as they demanded better working conditions. The day continued at a Trump Tower on Wall Street. Hundreds gathered near the Stock Exchange under the banner “No walls in the workers struggle.”


By staff

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Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds of hotel workers, members of HERE, marched in Minneapolis on May 1 to celebrate International Workers’ Day and demand a union contract that provides an adequate income where “one job is enough.” The hotel workers previous contract expired on May Day.

#MinneapolisMN #OppressedNationalities #MayDay #PeoplesStruggles #Socialism #HotelWorkers #HERE

By staff

May Day in Madison,WI.

Madison WI – Thousands gathered on, May 1 in celebration of May Day in Wisconsin’s capital. Voces de la Frontera hosted the event and were able to bring in more than 17 different cities to attend.


By staff

May Day march in St Paul, MN.

Saint Paul, MN – Hundreds of immigrants, union members and activists marched to the Minnesota State Capitol on May 1, International Workers Day. They demanded that the state legislature pass a bill to give immigrants access to drivers licenses, without adding amendments to further criminalize immigrants. They also raised other demands for immigrant and workers’ rights while commemorating the workers who lost their lives in 1886 in the struggle for an eight-hour workday.


By Redacción

Pedro Eusse, a Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) Politburo member with FRSO Org

Caracas, Venezuela – En su primer día en Venezuela, el 28 de abril, la delegación de la Organización Socialista del Camino a la Libertad (FRSO) sostuvo una reunión de dos horas con miembros del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Venezuela (PCV) y líderes de la Juventud Comunista de Venezuela.

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By staff

Pedro Eusse, a Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) Politburo member with FRSO Org

Caracas, Venezuela – On their first day in Venezuela, April 28, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) delegation held a two-hour meeting with members of Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) Central Committee and leaders of the Communist Youth of Venezuela.


By staff

Solidarity with the KMU

Twin Cites trade unionists at KMU solidarity event.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 trade unionists gathered at the United Labor Centre here, April 25, to hear Ed Cubelo, the president of Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation Workers Association and chairman of the Metro Manila chapter of the major trade union federation in the Philippines – Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) or 'May First Labor Movement.' Also speaking was Raymond “Mong” Palatino, the chairperson of the metro Manila chapter of Bagong Alyansang Makabayan-BAYAN, a progressive alliance of people’s organizations.


By Eric Dorland

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Minneapolis, MN – Both Donald Trump and former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions spoke in Minnesota, April 15, and both were met with protest and disruption upon arrival. Trump spoke outside of a truck equipment company in the Twin Cities suburb of Burnsville and was met by activists denouncing his anti-immigrant policies and defending progressive Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.


By staff

Protesters outside the Philippine Consulate.

New York, NY – Forty people gathered in front of the Consulate General of the Philippines, April 10, in New York City to demand justice for the Negros 14, and to stop the killings in the Philippines, as part of a global day of action.


By Dave Schneider

Jacksonville, FL – Dixie money rules in Jacksonville, Florida, but it shouldn’t.


By Jared Hamil

Centro CSO press conference announcing defeat of KIPP charter school

Los Angeles, CA – Centro CSO (Community Service Organization) along with teachers, parents and students from several East Area schools announced a historic victory, April 4. After months of struggle, corporate KIPP Promesa Charter school will not be building a new mega-charter school in Boyle Heights, at the location of the former Lincoln Hospital near 4th and Soto Street.


By Jose Maria Sison

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following April 5 statement from Prof. Jose Maria Sison, Chairperson, International League of Peoples’ Struggle.


By Joe Iosbaker

Jeanette Taylor at protest against FOP's racist demonstration.

Chicago, IL – The corporate media has missed what is most important about Chicago’s April 2 elections. Its focus on the uninspiring mayoral contest between Toni Preckwinkle and Lori Lightfoot helped contribute to the lowest voter turnout ever. Only 29% of registered voters went to the polls.


By Alex Schnier Hansen

Oshkosh, WI vigil for Amber Evans.

Oshkosh, WI – On March 31, local activists and members of United Action Oshkosh (UAO) held a vigil to honor and commemorate the life and work of activist Amber Evans.


By Fight Back

Hillsborough, FL rally against privatization.

Tampa, FL – Over 40 custodians, teachers and concerned community members rallied outside the Hillsborough County School Board meeting, April 2, to stop plans to privatize the custodial staff at all Hillsborough County Public Schools (HCPS). The rally was hosted by the Hillsborough State Employee Federation and Hillsborough County Teachers Association. Chants at the rally included “It’s time to stop the greed, give custodians what they need!” and “Up up with education, down down with privatization!”