Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Oppressed Nationalities

By staff

Boycott of Mall of America in solidarity with Black Lives Matter Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds of members of the Somali community will boycott the Mall of America on July 18, by moving their Eid Celebration. This Eid Celebration comes at the end of the religious holy month of Ramadan for the Muslim community.


By Jared Hamil

Tampa rallies against racist attacks.

Tampa, FL – Over 50 people joined together the night of July 3 to demand an end to racist violence. Protesting police crimes, white supremacist activity and the recent attacks on African American churches, activists and community members gathered at Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park in downtown Tampa, chanting, “Black lives matter!” and “Cops and Klan go hand in hand!”


By Fight Back! Editors

No to Wall Street! Yes to independence!

On June 29, the governor of Puerto Rico, Alejandro García Padilla, said that Puerto Rico’s debt was “not payable.” The government of Puerto Rico has a debt that is 70% of the islands Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is more than three and half times as great as the next most indebted states, Rhode Island and Massachusetts, whose debt-to-GDP ratios are less than 20%. In addition, Puerto Rico’s electric utility also has major debt problems.


By staff

Chicago, IL – In the last 11 days seven Black churches have been burned down. The first burning occurred within a week of the June 17 Charleston Massacre, where a self-proclaimed white, racist terrorist murdered nine Black people. Some of the burned down churches had “KKK” scrawled on their outside walls and investigators have concluded that three churches (Hills Seven-day Adventist in Knoxville, Tennesee; God’s Power Church of Christ in Macon, Georgia and Brian Creek Road Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina) were torched by arsonists.


By Cassia Laham

Fort Lauderdale march against racist violence

Fort Lauderdale, FL – Over 100 people held a vigil, rally and march the evening of June 23, in a community response to the Charleston massacre of nine African American churchgoers.


By staff

Chicago rally stands in  solidarity with Charleston, SC, denounces police crimes

Chicago, IL – Standing in solidarity with the memories of those massacred in Charleston, South Carolina, activists here in Chicago linked their murders with the national epidemic of police crimes.


By Maressa Simmons

Rally in Tallahassee, FL after racist attack in Charleston.

Tallahassee, FL – After the June 17 white supremacist attack at Emanuel AME Church, in Charleston, South Carolina that left nine African American parishioners dead, the Black Liberation Action Coordinating Committee (BLACC), Students for a Democratic Society and the Trans Liberation Front held a rally, June 19 in front of the Old Tallahassee Capitol. 30 community members attended the rally and vigil, which started with nine minutes of silence, one minute for each victim.


By staff

Rally in Durham, NC,  stands in solidarity with Charleston

Durham, NC – Over 200 people gathered in east Durham on June 20 to rally and speak out against the white supremacist terror attack in Charleston that left nine African Americans dead earlier this week. The rally, organized by the Durham Solidarity Center, included speakers from Muslims for Social Justice, Black Workers for Justice, Workers World Party, as well as other activists and organizers in the community.


By staff

Chicago, IL – “Mother Emanuel church in Charleston, South Carolina, is a sacred shrine of the Black liberation movement, but it has been turned into the site of a racist massacre of Black people,” said Frank Chapman of the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.


By Zachary Schultz

Tallahassee, FL – On May 1, over 30 students and community members gathered in downtown Tallahassee for a march in solidarity with the people of Baltimore for International Workers Day. The march was called by the Black Liberation Action Coordinating Committee (BLACC), Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the Transgender Liberation Front (TLF). The protesters demanded justice for the murder of Freddie Grey, Jeremy Lett, Mya Hall and all other victims of police brutality.


By Naomi Bradley

Tallahassee, FL – Student activists gathered at the state capitol on April 18 to confront white supremacists. The Tallahassee chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) called the protest. On April 9, SDS led 100 students in burning a Confederate flag in front of the Old Capitol to protest Klu Klux Klan fliers being distributed in a Tallahassee neighborhood and news that three prison guards, all KKK members, were planning to murder an African American prisoner.


By staff

Los Angeles, CA – Boyle Heights residents and local groups are organizing a march and rally this May 1. Marchers will assemble at Soto and 1st Streets at 4:00 p.m. and march to Mariachi Plaza at 1st and Boyle Streets.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On May 1, 2015, workers around the world will celebrate International Workers’ Day and the struggle for a better world. In most every country, workers and oppressed peoples will march in the streets waving red flags. Working class leaders will give powerful speeches about the history and future of the struggle against an unfair system that only benefits the 1%. May Day is an opportunity to celebrate the working class and the bright future ahead for those of us who work and stand against the bosses and companies that exploit us. May 1 is also a day to stand with oppressed nations and peoples of the world who are resisting war and occupation by the U.S. ruling class and its military machine. Freedom Road Socialist Organization ( urges people to march on May Day and host forums about the working class, the need to end the rule of the 1% and to establish socialism – a system where political and economic power is in the hands of the workers.


By staff

Bloomington City Attorney still pursuing restitution claim for ‘Police overtime’

Minneapolis, MN – According to a letter from their lawyer, the Mall of America (MOA) is no longer pursuing restitution from Black Lives Matter activists for lost revenue after they made the decision to shut down their stores during a Dec. 20, 2014 protest at the Mall of America. This news comes after a massive and sustained public pressure campaign urging the MOA to call on City Attorney Sandra Johnson to drop the charges. The campaign includes a boycott and takeover of the mall’s #ItsMyMall Twitter campaign.


By Dave Schneider

Jacksonville, FL – On April 4, South Carolina police officer Michael Slager shot and killed Walter Scott, an unarmed 50-year-old African American man. Slager, a white cop, pulled over Scott for driving with a broken taillight. Within hours, the North Charleston police began releasing statements supportive of Slager's claim that Scott had reached for his tazer, causing the cop to fire his weapon in fear for his life.


By Zachary Schultz

Florida students protest KKK

Tallahassee, FL – Over 100 students gathered at the steps of the Westcott Building on the Florida State University campus, April 9, to protest the Ku Klux Klan. The Tallahassee chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) called the rally after recent Klan provocations.


By staff

Tallahassee, FL – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and other groups will be rallying against recent Klan activity in Tallahassee and North Florida on April 9. A Ku Klux Klan chapter has been flyering in Tallahassee neighborhoods, passing out racist and Islamophobic messages in an attempt to recruit. Recently it was revealed that three KKK members who worked for the Florida Department of Corrections were plotting to murder a black prisoner.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds of Black Lives Matter Minneapolis supporters gathered at the Hennepin County Courts, March 10, to stand in solidarity with the 11 defendants who are being targeted for political prosecution by the City of Bloomington and the Mall of America (MOA).


By staff

Bloomington, MN – As Bloomington City Attorney Sandra Johnson moves forward with criminal charges against 11 alleged organizers of the huge Black Lives Matter demonstration at the Mall of America, over 100 faith leaders have signed on to an open letter urging the charges be dropped.


By Gregory Lucero

Utah vigil for Muslim students murdered in North Carolina.

Salt Lake City, UT – More than 50 people gathered at the steps of the Utah State Capitol, Feb. 25, in honor of three young Arab American Muslims murdered in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. On Feb 10, Craig Hicks gunned down Deah Shaddy Barakat, Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha.