Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

United States

By staff

Voices from the protest

These are statements from some of the many people who will protest against the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, MN on September 1-4, 2008.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following greeting from Freedom Road Socialist Organization to demonstrators at the Republican National Convention.


By mick

St. Paul, MN – A picket line and press conference took place here Nov. 1, at the office of the police community service unit, to announce that the Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War has submitted another application to demonstrate at the Republican National Convention. Permits for protests and demonstrations in Saint Paul are submitted to this office.


By staff

St. Paul, MN – As the head of the Saint Paul City Council banged her gavel, Deb Konechne, of the Coalition to March on the RNC & Stop the War and the Welfare Rights Committee, stood up and demanded that council members listen to statements on why permits should be granted now for a massive anti-war march at the Republican National Convention. When the Council refused to hear the statements, protesters chanted, “We need the permits,” and marched out of the meeting.


By mick

Holding banner and speaking in front of stadium

St. Paul, MN – Standing in front to the Xcel Center, Sept. 1, the site of next year’s Republican National Convention, organizers of the massive protest planned against the war on Iraq pressed their demand for permits. The city of Saint Paul has refused to issue permits and is having subcommittees of the city’s so-called Free Speech Committee meeting in secret. Speakers – including members of Women Against Military Madness, the Welfare Rights Committee and the Anti-War Committee – made it clear that would fight any attempt to restrict their right to protest against the Iraq war at the Republican National Convention.


By mick

Minneapolis, MN – Activists planning protests at the Republican National Convention packed a city hall conference room here, Aug. 8, to blast a proposed ordinance that would place big restrictions on the right to demonstrate. Deb Konechne of the Welfare Rights Committee told members of the city government’s ‘Free Speech Working Group’ that the proposal was trash.


By staff

Woman in red and white striped shirt reading statement

St. Paul, MN – Individuals and organizations gathered here for what is likely to the be the first of many community meetings to make plans in response to the Republican National Convention (RNC) which will take place in Saint Paul in Sept. 2008. The event, called “Resisting the RNC: Minnesota Town Hall Organizing Meeting,” was co-hosted by the Protest RNC 2008 Coalition ( and the RNC Welcoming Committee. (


By mick

Dear Readers,


By Meredith Aby

Opposition to Bush’s war plans is growing. Momentum has continued to build since Oct. 26, when 200,000 people demonstrated in Washington D.C. against the war threats on Iraq. Up to mid-October, there were at least 400 major demonstrations. Since then, the anti-war movement has been expanding and actions are taking place on a daily basis.


By Students for a Democratic Society

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Stop the War! Stop McCain! working group of Students for a Democratic Society


By Anh Pham

On February 15, millions of the people of the world stood up against the imperial might of the United States government, to say no to war with Iraq. In the largest day of protest ever, the people’s movements have done what so many governments have been unable to do – scare the U.S. war machine. People in over 2,000 cities worldwide came out. Over a quarter of a million people in the U.S. alone stood up against the war.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Fired Up, Won’t Take It No More!

Outraged people are raising their voices, marching in the streets and rallying on campuses across the country to support the Jena Six. Jena is a small town, four hours northwest of New Orleans, Louisiana. The Jena Six are African-American high school students who refuse to be second-class citizens. The Jena Six are standing up for their rights and fighting back against racism in their community. These young men refuse to be insulted, pushed around and harassed. They simply want equality with the whites in their school and community. The Jena Six are now symbolic of the righteousness of rebellion against racist national oppression.


By Kati Ketz

The movie The Great Debaters is based on the true story of Melvin B. Tolson, a poet and professor from the 1930s. In the movie, Tolson’s character is that of an energetic professor at Wiley College in Marshall, Texas who organizes the school debate team. That debate team goes on to debate white colleges, to a mostly undefeated season where they won a 1935 debate against Harvard, the reigning national champion.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

We are publishing the following essay on the life and work of Fred Hampton to coincide with Black History Month, 2008.


By staff

Erika Zurawski traveled to Venezuela Aug. 10-22 to serve as an official elections observer under the auspices of the National Elections Council of Venezuela, which is overseen by the Venezuelan Supreme Court. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, faced a recall referendum which aimed to remove him from office. Chavez is leading a national democratic revolution which aims to empower Venezuela’s poor and free the country from foreign domination.


By Brian Chorley

Amidst at sea of U.S. flags, the rulers of Kosovo announced its ‘independence’ from Serbia, Feb. 17. This declaration is the latest act in the west’s quest to destroy Serbia, a pillar of the former Yugoslavia. This statement of ‘independence’ was recognized by most of the members of the European Union as well as the United States.


By mick

For 78 days the people and government of Yugoslavia resisted attempts by the United States and NATO to occupy the province of Kosovo. In Belgrade and other cities, patriotic people gathered on bridges, in factories and TV stations to thwart NATO bombing runs. NATO responded by destroying hospitals, nursing homes, and churches. The destruction of the Chinese embassy, an act of premeditated murder, sent the clear message, “We will stop at nothing.”


By staff

Protest in Minneapolis against occupations

Millions of people in cities around the world hit the streets March 20 to protest the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq. Massive demonstrations took place in London, Brussels, Seoul, Tokyo and thousands of other cities and towns in 45 countries. Demonstrations took place in more that 250 cities across the United States. Many of these demonstrations also demanded an end to the U.S./Israeli occupation of Palestine and an end to the occupation of Afghanistan.


By Fight Back! Editors

June 30 protest in Minneapolis

On June 30 hundreds gathered in Minneapolis to oppose the U.S. occupation of Iraq.


By Tracy Molm

4000 march in Minneapolis, MN

To mark the third anniversary of the war, and now occupation, of Iraq, people around the globe marched, calling for U.S. troops to leave immediately. In Chicago, 10,000 protesters faced off against 1500 police in full riot gear during their evening march on Michigan Avenue on March 18. This was the first time in three years that organizers were able to get a permit to march on Michigan Avenue.