Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Women's Movement

By staff

Cops attack reproductive rights protest in LA.

Los Angeles, CA – On May 3, several hundred people gathered for an emergency action at the U.S. Federal Courthouse in downtown LA to voice outrage at the draft majority opinion overturning the historic Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade.


By staff

March for abortion rights in Milwaukee, WI.

Milwaukee, WI – On May 7, the Milwaukee International Women’s Day Coalition hosted an action to support reproductive rights and defend Roe v. Wade from the attack by the Supreme Court.


By Cassandra Swart

March for abortion rights in Dallas, TX.

Dallas, TX – On Saturday, May 7, around 200 people gathered at Civic Garden park in downtown Dallas to protest the leaked Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, thus allowing over half of U.S. states to ban abortion completely. Chants present at the rally included “When abortion is under attack, what do we do? Stand up fight back!” and “Healthcare is a human right!”


By Keegan Estrella

SDS protest against attacks on women and reproductive rights.

Denver, CO – On May 5, Students for a Democratic Society led a march of several dozen students and community members from Auraria Campus to the office of U.S. Senator Michael Bennet to deliver a list of demands to encode legal access to safe abortions for all.


By Jake Holtzman

Austin, TX protest against overturning Roe v. Wade.

Austin, TX – In the middle of thunderstorms and a tornado watch, around 200 people gathered in central Austin, May 5, for a march and rally for abortion rights called by U.T. Austin student groups, Students for a Democratic Society and the Feminist Action Project. The organizations called the protest in response to the draft opinion that suggests the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade.


By J Martel

Protesters gather in front of U.S.Fifth Circuit Courthouse.

New Orleans, LA – Over 300 people protested outside of New Orleans’ Fifth Circuit Courthouse on May 3 in response to the leaked SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. The crowd opposed the political repression of bodily autonomy, and demanded right to access comprehensive reproductive care.


By staff

Marching for reproductive rights in Jacksonville, FL.

Jacksonville, FL – On May 4, over 1500 people gathered in front of the Jacksonville Courthouse to rally for reproductive rights. This rally was one of many rapid responses across the country fighting back against the threat to Roe v. Wade. Planned Parenthood, Women’s March, and the Jacksonville Community Action Committee (JCAC) worked in coalition to lead this event.


By Regina Joseph

Delilah Pierre, Field Organizer for Tallahassee Community Action Committee (TCAC

Tallahassee, FL – Hours after the leak from U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito, hundreds of Tallahassee residents gathered at the Florida Supreme Court building, May 4, to rally for abortion rights and reproductive freedom.


By Jasper Nordin

Minneapolis students protest against attacks on reproductive rights.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 1500 students and community members took to the streets, May 4, in response to the leaked draft opinion from the Supreme Court indicating their intention to overturn Roe v. Wade, effectively stripping hundreds of millions of Americans from their reproductive rights. The large crowd gathered outside the Humphrey School of Public Affairs on the University of Minnesota campus before marching to U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar’s offices to demand that she take action to defend the abortion rights of her constituents. During the march, many cars passing by honked in approval and solidarity with the protest.


By Serena Sojic-Borne

Speaker reads letter by educators, parents, and students against anti-LGBT+ bill

Baton Rouge, LA – On April 29, 20 protesters in New Orleans and Baton Rouge held two coordinated rallies to protest anti-LGBT+ legislation. High school students, teachers, parents and social workers attended. They spoke out against Louisiana’s version of the Don’t Say Gay bill, and a ban on transgender girls playing sports. The rallies took place outside of two key state legislators’ offices to push them to vote no on both pieces of legislation.