Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Women's Movement

By Elizabeth Kramer

Steff Yorek speaking at Tampa International Women's Day celebration

Tampa, FL – Over 40 Tampa community members gathered March 6 to celebrate International Women’s Day. Hosted by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, with several other organizations being represented through their speakers, the event took place in the Marshall Student Center on the Campus of the University of South Florida (USF).


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

March 8 is International Women’s Day. It is day to celebrate our collective struggle to achieve equality and liberation, to honor the fighters who have come before us, and prepare resistance to all those who would stand in our way. We can never accept things the way that they are, and we are building a fight for a better world.


By Skyler Dorr

Anti-women ‘gamergate’ defender Milo Yiannopoulos slammed

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Minneapolis, MN – More than 70 students, staff, faculty and community members protested a speech titled “CALM DOWN!! Restoring Common Sense to Feminism” delivered by journalist Milo Yiannopoulos at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, Feb. 17.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is organizing events celebrating International Women’s Day in cities across the U.S. The events will take place on or around March 8.


By staff

LaCreshia Birts, Youth Coordinator of Chicago Alliance and Black Youth Project

Chicago, IL – Palestinian icon Rasmea Odeh; Black youth leaders Veronica Morris-Moore and LaCreshia Birts; Black Liberation Movement veteran Frank Chapman and Eric Koene, a striking worker from the Kohler plant in Wisconsin, appeared together on the stage of the 24th Annual People’s Thanksgiving.


By Loretta VanPelt

St. Paul, MN – Over 300 people gathered in here, August 10, in a show of solidarity with the people of Ferguson, Missouri and to remember the one-year anniversary of the death of Michael Brown at the hands of the police.


By Stephanie Taylor

Minneapolis, MN – Over 200 protesters marched here, July 31, demanding justice for Sandra Bland. Bland’s death has come to the forefront of the Black Lives Matter movement because of her suspicious jail cell death while in police custody.


By Fern

Chevara Orrin speaks about her outrage over the death of Sandra Bland

Jacksonville, FL – Over 100 activists and community members gathered here, July 26, to honor Sandra Bland. Bland, who supported the Black Lives Matter movement, became national news when she was found dead in her jail cell after being arrested for a minor traffic offense. Many doubt the official story that Bland committed suicide, especially after video evidence surfaced of Bland being handled roughly by the police.


By Sarah Martin

Sharon Rice Vaughan

Minneapolis, MN – Sharon Rice Vaughan, a longtime and respected member of Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) and the Twin Cities peace and justice movements, died in a car crash in Havana, Cuba on March 24. Her sudden and untimely death leaves a big hole in our community.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following March 8 statement from the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees.