Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Women's Movement

By staff

International Women's Day 2012 panel in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people gathered here March 9 to celebrate International Women’s Day. The event was sponsored by Freedom Road Socialist Organization and featured women leaders from the people’s struggles.


By staff

Jess Sundin, of the Anti War Committee

Minneapolis, MN – Students and members of the community gathered here, March 24 on the University of Minnesota campus, for an event called ‘At home and abroad: Women under attack and fighting back.’ The program, sponsored by the Anti War Committee and the Women’s Student Activist Collective, was during with women's history month and addressed the current FBI attacks on women international solidarity activists and their families, how war disproportionately affects women and the right to be in solidarity with women in war-torn parts of the world.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people came together here March 8 to celebrate International Women’s Day. The event was sponsored by Freedom Road Socialist Organization and featured women who are in the forefront of the fight against repression and reaction.


By staff

Women Stand Up Against Repression

Sarah Martin, Jess Sundin, Luce Guillen Givins, Sarah Jane Olson, and Tracy Molm

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people came together here March 8 to celebrate International Women’s Day. The event was sponsored by Freedom Road Socialist Organization and featured women who are in the forefront of the fight against repression and reaction.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

March 8, 2010 will mark 100 years of International Women’s Day. Around the world people will celebrate the contributions of women in the movements to end inequality and exploitation, to insist on the complete liberation of women and to look forward to the day when oppression of all kinds has become a thing of the past.


By staff

Jess Sundin speaking at the program

Minneapolis, MN – 50 people gathered here March 7, to celebrate International Women’s Day. The event, organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), included speeches, a showing of the film The Eyes of the Rainbow - a documentary about Assata Shakur – and brief toasts from trade union, anti-war, student and welfare rights organizers.


By Redacción

¡LyR!: Viajó a Palestina con una delegación de otros estadounidenses. ¿Por qué fueron?

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By Redacción

Entrevista con Maha Nassar, líder de los Comités de la Unión de Mujeres Palestinas

Maha Nassar, activista, educadora, madre y ex-prisionera política, visitó los Estados Unidos como parte de una gira para hablar del trabajo que ella hace como líder de los Comités de la Unión de Mujeres Palestinas. Maha Nassar nos comparte sus años de experiencia trabajando por la libertad y resistencia Palestina ante la ocupación Israelí. Ella habla, llana y sencillamente sobre donde ha estado el movimiento y hacia donde debe encaminarse. Los Comités de la Unión de Mujeres Palestinas es uno de los grupos más importantes que trabaja para la justicia social en Palestina. Un país donde por la justicia se pelea con piedras en contra de tanques blindados, las palabras deben de ser armas y el conocimiento poder. Lea y aprenda de la gente que resiste sobre la lucha Palestina.

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By staff

Firsthand Report on Growing Resistance

Fight Back!: You traveled to Palestine with a delegation of other people from the U.S. Why did you go?


By Redacción

María Martinez es una heroína de la clase trabajadora. Emergió de una huelga de 5 semanas de duración en contra de la empresa Iowa Beef Processing (IBP) como la clara lideresa de las bases del local 556 del Sindicato de Camioneros (Teamsters) en el este del estado de Washington. Esto sucedio principalmente porque luchó no solo en contra de la gerencia sino también en contra de la 'vieja guardia' del liderato de su propio sindicato.

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