Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Women's Movement

By Filip Freund

Protest in Tampa, FL against law banning abortions after 6 weeks.

Tampa FL – On April 8, dozens of community members gathered to protest the six-week abortion ban recently passed in the state government. Led by the Tampa Bay Community Action Committee (TBCAC) the people of Tampa spoke out against the abortion ban and the repression happening across the state of Florida.


By staff

People rally for abortion access in downtown Milwaukee ahead of an important bal

Milwaukee, WI – On April 1, activists, medical providers, community members and local politicians rallied in Red Arrow Park encouraging the people of Milwaukee to vote in a pivotal election for the state of Wisconsin. The community joined together, in the bitter wind, with a common goal in mind: to end the statewide ban on abortion.


By Siobhan Moore

Twin Cities SDS rally for abortion access.

Minneapolis, MN – Bright yellow picket signs stood tall by University Avenue at 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 1, as students and campus community gathered to protest outside the Donhowe building at the University of Minnesota to demand immediate action from administration to expand abortion access on campus. The action was organized by the UMN chapter of Students for a Democratic Society and co-hosted by the Minnesota Abortion Action Committee. Students chanted “Hey Gabel, what do you say? Protect abortion rights today!” calling on University President Joan Gabel to act on their demands to defend women’s and reproductive rights on campus and in the broader state of Minnesota.


By staff

Briony Smith of NYCAP leading the chants.

Brooklyn, NY – The New York Community Action Project (NYCAP) hosted an International Women’s Day rally outside of the Barclay Center on Sunday, March 19.


By Liz Rathburn

Chicago students mark International Women's Day.

Chicago, IL – On March 15, protesters rallied at the University of Illinois at Chicago to commemorate International Women’s Month. Over a dozen students and activists listened to speakers from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization and Students for a Democratic Society. Speakers denounced both the recent attacks on women’s and reproductive rights nationwide, and rampant sexual violence on college campuses.


By staff

Milwaukee's International Women's Day Coalition hosts the 2nd annual march and p

Milwaukee, WI – Neither the snow nor the rekindled Saint Patrick’s Day parade was enough to keep 100 people from celebrating International Women’s Day with the Milwaukee International Women’s Day (IWD) Coalition this past Saturday, March 11. Attendees gathered at Dontre Hamilton Park and marched through the streets towards Village Church, where endorsing organizations tabled and delivered speeches.


By staff

International Women's Day celebration in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles, CA – On March 12, more than 50 people gathered at Salazar Park in East Los Angeles to rally with Centro CSO for its 6th annual International Women’s Day commemoration. Speakers included leaders from CSO’s different committees – education, police accountability and immigration – who explained the importance of women’s liberation to their work.


By staff

Faye Valentine of DACAC speaking at Denver FRSO’s International Women’s Day rall

Denver, CO – On Wednesday, March 8, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization hosted a rally at the Colorado State Capitol building to celebrate International Women’s Day. Two dozen people gathered to answer the call for an end to attacks on women’s and reproductive rights, including members of Students for a Democratic Society and the Denver-Aurora Community Action Committee.


By staff

Renee Gralewicz of the Brothertown Nation speaks during Appleton's commemoration

Appleton, WI – Students and other members of the Fox Valley community gathered to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 5 in Appleton’s Houdini Plaza. Appleton Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the Freedom Road Socialist Organization co-hosted the rally.


By Quest Riggs

International Women's Day in New Orleans.

New Orleans, LA – On March 10 members of several student and community organizations rallied in front of the Fifth District Federal Courthouse in New Orleans. They gathered to celebrate International Women’s Day and to speak out against the continuing attacks on reproductive healthcare and LGBTQ rights.