Mother Bloor, a Communist revolutionary who fought for women’s suffrage, emphasized that women couldn’t just stop at the right to vote. Working women still had to organize against the capitalist ruling class, which forced them to endure long hours, low wages and suffocating labor conditions. The vote was just another tool in that struggle. The suffrage movement relied on people like Bloor – workers who recognized that women’s liberation depends on the struggle for socialism.
Grand Rapids, Michigan – People across Michigan are celebrating a victory with the passing of Proposal 3 which restores abortion rights in Michigan. Proposal 3 passed with 56.7% voting yes and 43.3% voting no.
Minneapolis, MN – 45 University of Minnesota students and community members gathered November 11 outside the Prospect Park location of First Care Pregnancy Center to demand that crisis pregnancy centers be removed from campus and defunded by the state. A classroom projector was used to display slogans such as “Abortion is healthcare” and “Fake abortion clinic” on the front of the building as protesters chanted.
Chicago IL – On November 7, more than 30 activists from Students for a Democratic Society and the Freedom Road Socialist Organization gathered for a march at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Students demanded the administration open a reproductive health clinic on campus and provide free birth control for all students. The protest is part of an ongoing campaign by Students for a Democratic Society to demand the university do more to defend women’s and reproductive rights in the face of the mounting Republican attacks.
Seattle, WA – Sixty people gathered on the University of Washington campus, October 16, to rally for reproductive rights. Called by Progressive Students Union (PSU), this protest was in response to the national call to action by Students for a Democratic Society.
Minneapolis, MN – On October 7, over 40 students and community members gathered at Morrill Hall at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis to demand that the university administration take action to expand abortion access on campus. The crowd marched down Washington Avenue before arriving at Moos Tower, where the University of Minnesota medical school is located.
Milwaukee, WI – The Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors passed a “Resolution on Abortion Access” on September 22. The resolution passed overwhelmingly with 12 yes votes and two no votes. The resolution was originally drafted by County Board Supervisors Liz Sumner and Shawn Rolland. Additionally, the grassroots organization Reproductive Justice Action – Milwaukee (RJA-M) demanded an amendment be added so lawmakers at the state capitol in Madison receive a clear message from Milwaukee County.
Milwaukee, WI – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at UW-Milwaukee rallied on September 15 to make Milwaukee an abortion sanctuary. The demonstration was in response to the national SDS day of action call. Approximately 40 students and community members met in UWM’s Spaights Plaza at 4 p.m.
Tallahassee, FL – On September 7, Florida State University Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held a march in defense of women’s and reproductive rights, following the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade. More than 40 students attended the march from the Legacy Fountain to the Integration Statue, accompanied by chants like “We won’t go back! We will fight back!”
Saint Paul, MN – On September 16, the newly formed Minnesota Abortion Action Coalition (MNAAC) held its second action outside of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s residence. MNAAC demanded that state officials put an end to state funding for crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) and other manipulative, anti-abortion organizations throughout the state. Since 2005, the state of Minnesota has spent $3.4 million per year on CPCs.
Arlington, TX – On September 7, the Progressive Student Union held a rally here to speak out against the reversal of Roe v. Wade, as part of a wider national day of action called by Students for a Democratic Society.
Chicago, IL – On September 7, 30 students marched at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) to demand the administration open a reproductive health clinic on campus that is free for students and the community.
Milwaukee, WI – On the evening of August 29, demonstrators from Reproductive Justice Action- Milwaukee (RJA-M) lined the street outside of Milwaukee County Board Supervisor Patti Logsdon’s home in Franklin, a suburb of Milwaukee. Banging pots and pans and holding picket signs reading “Stay out of my panties Patti” and “Don’t be a problematic Patti,” activists aimed to call attention to the unethical, anti-choice rhetoric Logsdon spewed during the county board supervisors meeting on July 28.
Minneapolis, MN – Chants of “When abortion rights are under attack, what do we do? Stand up fight back!” could be heard up and down Chicago Avenue and 41st Streets in South Minneapolis on Thursday, August 18, as 40 protesters gathered outside the Tandem Family Resource Center – one of Minnesota’s now-infamous “crisis pregnancy centers” – for a rally for women’s and reproductive rights. The action was organized by the newly formed Minnesota Abortion Action Coalition (MNAAC) to demand an end to state funding for Tandem and other “crisis pregnancy centers” like it.
Milwaukee, WI – On August 15, a brand-new grassroots organization, Reproductive Justice Action-Milwaukee, picketed outside the home of Milwaukee County District 6 Supervisor Shawn Rolland. This was in response to Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors voting against putting an advisory referendum on Milwaukee County’s November ballot to overturn State Statute 940.04, which makes most abortions illegal in the state of Wisconsin.
Tampa, FL – Hundreds came out to protest the right-wing, billionaire-funded “student group” Turning Point USA summit, July 23. The Turning Point summit featured a gaggle of reactionary, racist and chauvinistic speakers, not the least of whom was Donald Trump, looking to build momentum for a possible second presidential run.
Milwaukee, WI – On the afternoon of July 17, about 65 people gathered in downtown Milwaukee to protest in the streets for reproductive justice. This event was led by a brand new grassroots organization named Reproductive Justice Action-Milwaukee (RJAM). This organization arose shortly after the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. As a result of the Supreme Court decision, Wisconsin’s State Statute 940.04 defaulted into law. This law is from 1849 and bans abortion unless the mother’s life is at risk. Performing an abortion can result in a Class H felony and a $10,000 fine.
New Orleans, LA – On July 12, a group of concerned activists and locals attended a New Orleans town hall on public safety to voice their concerns on abortion access and state police. The town hall was one of a series hosted by Councilmember Freddie King III and guest speaker Mayor LaToya Cantrell. Over 100 people attended, sitting in the auditorium at LB Landry High School in Algiers, part of District C.
New Orleans, LA – Demonstrators marched to the mayor of New Orleans’ house on July 8 and taped two copies of a letter to her porch columns. Police then enraged protesters by crumpling the demands up in a show of disrespect. The protest occurred on the evening after Orleans Civil District Court judge Ethel Simms Julien ended the temporary restraining order on the state’s anti-abortion trigger ban.