Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Hatem Abudayyeh

Standing up for Palestine in NYC.

Chicago, IL – Israel already controls the entirety of Palestinian life in the occupied territories, even in the areas that are supposedly run by the Palestinian Authority, but this annexation plan codifies the expropriation of Palestinian land and may secure Israeli sovereignty over 30% of the West Bank, including the border with Jordan called the Jordan Valley.


By Frank Chapman

Frank Chapman

Chicago, IL – When it comes to police reform, the powers that be in Chicago have been negligent in their response to the demands of the people of this city and this nation. People across the country are calling for systemic police reforms now. The resounding voice of the people in the streets is, “We will not accept this anymore!” In Chicago, we’re not new to this plaintive cry, unfortunately. We have the longest standing movement for community control of the police in the country, stretching back to the 1969 police murder of Fred Hampton of the Black Panther Party. Yet our city is lagging behind every other major city with respect to announcing much needed reform, including New York City and Minneapolis.


By staff

Frank Chapman

Chicago, IL – Frank Chapman, Executive Director of the recently formed National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, today, June 15, called for immediate passage of legislation establishing democratic community control of the police in every city and town across the nation.


By staff

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Chicago, IL – Protesters demand the mass exoneration of everyone tortured and framed by Chicago cop Reynaldo Guevara. It was one of the three demonstrations that took place in Chicago, June 13. Cites across the U.S. participated in the National Day of Action to Stop Police Crimes called by the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.

#ChicagoIL #AntiwarMovement #ImmigrantRights #WomensMovement #LGBTQ #Healthcare #PeoplesStruggles #HousingStruggles #PoliceBrutality #EnvironmentalJustice #Antiracism #Antifascism #NationalAllianceAgainstRacistAndPoliticalRepression #FreeThemAll

By staff

Chicago demands community control of police.

Chicago, IL – Over 1000 marchers and 400 cars drove several miles through the Washington Park neighborhood of Chicago, June 12, to demand community control of the police. Hundreds of people came out of hair and nail salons, stepped out of homes, or came off of the sidewalk to chant and march as well. Cries of “Black lives matter” were alternated with “CPAC now!” CPAC is the Civilian Police Accountability Council, legislation in Chicago City Council which would establish control of the Chicago Police by the Black, Chicano/Mexicano and Puerto Rican neighborhoods in the city.


By Andy Koch

Chicago protest against police crimes.

Chicago, IL – Over 2000 cars, most with multiple occupants, and 1000 people on foot participated in a car caravan and march organized by the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (CAARPR) on June 3. The caravan blocked streets near the Chicago Police Department headquarters for miles, while marchers went past roadblocks to confront around 100 riot police directly in front of the headquarters before continuing to congregate in a local park.


By staff

Chicago, IL – In cities across the country, more than a 100,000 people responded to the call from the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression to make May 30 a Day of Protest against the racist murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery by police and vigilantes.


By staff

Some of the 4000 cars participating in the May 30 protest.

Chicago, IL – More than 20,000 people, including a 4000-car caravan, joined a massive protest in Chicago, today, May 30. Organized by the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, the demonstration was one of many that took place across the country.


By National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Frank Chapman, Executive Director National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.


By Fabiana Casas

Instituto Justice and Leadership Academy (IJLA) response to COVID-19 Chicago

Chicago, IL – Instituto Justice and Leadership Academy (IJLA) is a small two-floor building that rests on the corner of Western and Blue Island Avenues in Pilsen, Chicago. At first glance you would notice the mural that decorates the wall – women of color with fists in the air, “La Lucha Sigue.” You might ask yourself, “Is this a school?” and the first answer is: yes. Though, the more accurate answer is: “It’s a home, a safe haven.”