Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Santa Ana, California pro-Palestine event marks one year of resistance to genocide.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Santa Ana, CA – On October 6, activists and community members gathered for a film screening of The Night Won’t End: Biden’s War on Gaza followed by a discussion on the U.S.’s role in the ongoing genocide against Palestinians.

The event began with Community Service Organization Orange County (CSO OC) member Diana Terreros explaining the significance of the Palestinian resistance operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, 2023 and the subsequent brutal attacks Israel launched against Palestine.


By staff

Huge pro-Palestine demonstration in New York, October 7. | Aminah Hamawy/Fight Back! News

New York, NY – Thousands took to the streets to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Palestinian resistance Operation Al Aqsa Flood. The people of New York have been marching militantly throughout the weekend, and on October 7 the last wave went block by block to mark the momentous event of resistance.

Protests began at 12 universities. Chapters of Students for a Democratic Society and Students for Justice in Palestine organized walkouts and rallies on their campuses. The students, many who had been involved in the encampments walked out of class chanting in support of the demands: disclosure and divestment from all companies aiding Israel in its genocide, cutting ties with all Zionist institutions, NYPD off their campuses, and protection of pro-Palestinian speech on campus with amnesty for all students who have been punished for their rightful activism.


By Tony O'Hegarty

Grand Rapids, Michigan protest targets weapons maker for arming apartheid Israel.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Grand Rapids, MI – On October 7, roughly 80 people in more than 25 cars drove from Grand Rapids, Michigan to protest at Woodward Zeeland, an engineering firm with locations worldwide which has been connected to the genocide in Gaza.

After the U.S.-funded attacks on Lebanon and Palestine, and the escalation of the genocide, organizers led by Palestine Solidarity Grand Rapids (PSGR) launched a campaign targeting local war-profiteers that culminated in the rally and die-in outside of Woodward Zeeland.


By staff

Atlanta, GA – The assassination of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Hezbollah, in an apocalyptic Israeli airstrike on Beirut’s southern suburbs on September 28, has shaken Lebanon and the entire Middle East. For the forces of liberation, Nasrallah was a mighty resistance leader, a voice of the oppressed, and a tireless fighter for the liberation of Palestine. His death marks a deeply tragic moment in the struggle against Zionism and imperialism, but the legacy he built, one grounded in solidarity and liberation theology, will continue to inspire the masses of people who remain committed to his vision of a free and sovereign Arab world.


By staff

Members of Centro CSO stand with Palestine.  | Fight Back! News/Luis Sifuentes

Los Angeles, CA – Tens of thousands of passionate protesters hit the streets of downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, October 5, just days before the one year anniversary of the U.S.-funded Israeli genocide in Palestine that began October 7, 2023 after Palestinian resistance fighters launched an counter-offensive against the Zionist government.


By staff

Salt Lake City students rally for Palestine.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Salt Lake City, UT – On October 3, 50 students and community members gathered on the campus of the University of Utah to demand an end to the school’s study abroad program with the University of Haifa, an Israeli military college that practices discrimination against its Arab and Muslim students. Organizers also called for the University of Utah’s full divestment from companies involved in the Israeli genocide in Gaza, reinvestment in student resources, and for the University of Utah to respect students’ right to protest for Palestine.

The rally also celebrated the Palestinian resistance. Chris Loera-Peña of Mecha de U of U said, “It’s been a year of genocide, but also a year of non-stop resistance and fighting from the Palestinian people and the entire world.”


By Antonia Mar

Minnesota marches to mark one year of resistance to genocide.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

New Orleans, LA – On Saturday, October 5, a broad coalition of community organizations rallied at Congo Square for a march to commemorate one year of resistance since the genocide in Gaza began. The action drew a large crowd of about 500 people, whose chants for a free Palestine ricocheted off city walls downtown.

During the rally, speakers emphasized the steadfast endurance of the Palestinian resistance.

“Our people in the homeland inspire us every single day here [in the US] to continue to resist – to stay strong and not give up. Our people endure and that’s what it means to be Palestinian,” said Leila Abu-Orf, a member of the New Orleans chapter of the Palestinian Youth Movement.


By Trent Fast

October 6 Minneapolis march for Palestine. | Brad Sigal/Fight Back! News

Minneapolis, MN – On October 6, over 4000 protesters gathered in downtown Minneapolis on to mark one year of protest and resistance to Israel’s U.S. funded genocide in occupied Palestine. The Free Palestine Coalition started the march with a rally at the Gateway Park Fountain on the corner of Hennepin and Washington Avenues. Protesters marched through downtown and the North Loop neighborhood, proudly displaying support for Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Iraq and all people caught in the crosshairs of Israel’s terror campaign.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Hace casi un año, el 7 de octubre, el sonido de la libertad retumbó en Palestina y sus ecos todavía se escuchan en todo el mundo. La resistencia palestina lanzó la Operación Inundación de Al Aqsa, una fuga masiva de la prisión al aire libre más grande del mundo, Gaza. Y, al hacerlo, dieron un paso histórico hacia la liberación. Karl Marx dijo una vez que esos momentos de revolución, de personas que toman su propio futuro en sus manos, deberían considerarse como “fiestas de los oprimidos”. Tenía toda la razón en eso.


By staff

Jacksonville protest demand divestment from shipping company linked to apartheid Israel.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Jacksonville, FL – On Saturday, October 5, around 150 protesters congregated outside of Jacksonville’s port authority (Jaxport), as part of the Palestinian Youth Movement’s International Day of Action, to demand that the port cut all ties with Maersk, one of the world’s largest shipping and logistics companies. Jaxport has had a contract with the shipping behemoth since 2015.


By Gregory R. Butler

Dallas, TX – A coalition led by the Palestinian Youth Movement met at Dallas’ own Grassy Knoll, October 5 to observe a year of resistance against escalated genocide and expanding occupation at the hands of the Israeli state.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Nearly one year ago, on October 7, the sound of freedom thundered across Palestine, and its echoes are still being heard around the world. The Palestinian resistance launched Operation Al Aqsa Flood, a mass breakout from the world’s largest open air prison, Gaza. And, in doing so, they took a historic step towards liberation. Karl Marx once said that such moments of revolution, of people taking their own futures in their hands should be regarded as “festivals of the oppressed.” He was entirely right about that.


By staff

NYU students stand with Palestine.

Brooklyn, NY – The NYU Students for a Democratic Society (NYU SDS) held a pro-Palestine rally, September 26, on the day their new dean, Juan De Pablo, was slated to visit the Tandon School of Engineering. Dozens of students walked by, taking photos and videos of the rally. Around 25 people joined SDS as they marched from the starting location of 6 MetroTech Center to Wunsch Hall,


By staff

Orlando vigil for Palestinians and Lebanese killed by the U.S and Israel this past year.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Orlando, FL- Thirty activists gathered outside of City Hall in downtown Orlando for a vigil to mourn and remember the tens of thousands of Palestinians killed in Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza. This was the second of several events being organized each day as part of a week of action to mark one year since Israel began bombing Gaza.


By staff

University of Illinois Chicago \[UIC\] students marching towards the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps building \[ROTC\]. |  Baitul Javid

Chicago, IL – On Wednesday, August 25, the New Students for a Democratic Society (SDS at UIC) and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP at UIC), alongside other progressive student organizations at the University of Illinois Chicago, ended the month strong on campus by organizing a hands-off Lebanon demonstration following not only the terrorist cyberattack/bombings against Lebanon but the deploying of U.S. troops to the region.


By staff

San Jose protest against the U.S/Israel war on Lebanon.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

San Jose, CA – On September 28, about 50 people gathered in front of San Jose City Hall to protest U.S. involvement in Israel’s attacks on Lebanon and the ongoing genocide in Palestine. People joined together demanding end all U.S. aid to Israel and for San Jose to divest from companies directly tied to Israel.


By staff

New Orleans rally in solidarity with Lebanon. | Verité News

New Orleans, LA- On the evening of Wednesday, September 25, close to 100 New Orleanians gathered in front of the Federal Building to protest Israel’s increased offensive in Lebanon and the U.S. government’s continued facilitation of Israel’s atrocities.

The rally began by paying tribute to Khalifa Ibn Rayford Daniel, who was mercilessly executed by the State of Missouri the day before. Despite the prosecution’s serious doubts regarding the integrity of his conviction and pleas from his family, the State refused to grant Daniel clemency.


By Qosai Kadadha

Milwaukee march in solidarity with Lebanon.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Milwaukee, WI – On September 25, roughly 100 people gathered to demand an end to the U.S.-funded attacks on Lebanon and Palestine and an arms embargo on Israel. Protesters gathered at City Hall Square as a rally began at around 5 p.m. The rally, led by the Milwaukee Anti-war Committee and cosponsored by ten other local, national, and international organizations, had ten speakers, who connected the resistance in the Middle East to U.S. imperialism and the way it impacts us all.

After the initial gathering and speeches, the group marched and chanted down Kilbourne Avenue to Juneau Park. The target of the protest was the Raytheon board member George Oliver, who lives in a condominium tower across from the park. The march was met with enthusiasm, honks and shouts of “Free Palestine!” by onlookers. The entire event was recorded by WISN 12 News and followed by reporter Erika Finke.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization Orlando District

The Freedom Road Socialist Organization of Orlando stands in solidarity with the eight pro-Palestine solidarity activists who were brutalized, assaulted and arrested by the Orlando Police Department [OPD] on September 21.

The protesters were all members of Central Florida Queers for Palestine and Orlando for Peace, two local grassroots organizations dedicated to justice in Palestine. Around 20 activists had gathered at Lake Eola Park as part of an emergency action denouncing Israel’s illegal and immoral bombing campaigns against Lebanon and demanding an end to Israel’s genocide in Gaza.


By Alex Carson

Atlanta, Georgia rally in solidarity with Lebanon.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Atlanta, GA – About 100 community members gathered outside the Israeli consulate Tuesday evening, September 24, to protest the U.S.-backed Israeli aggression on Lebanon. The Israeli airstrikes on civilian homes and institutions signify a major escalation and are a futile attempt to quell the militant solidarity between Lebanese and Palestinian resistance groups.