Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Protesters tell Dayton to quit giving money to billionaires

Kids tell Governor Dayton to raise the welfare grants

St Paul, MN – Members and supporters of the Welfare Rights Committee (WRC) protested July 10 in front of Governor Dayton’s mansion to demand that he act now to raise the welfare grants in Minnesota. As things stand, about 70,000 Minnesota children are living in extreme poverty.


By staff

Members of Welfare Rights Committee demand increase in welfare grants.

St. Paul, MN – Members of the Welfare Rights Committee and supporters brought dozens of cardboard boxes into the capitol rotunda here, April 15, to construct a ‘Poverty-ville.’ The homeless village was a warning to the ruling Democrats that, if they carried through with their current budget cuts to health and human services, they would be adding to the homelessness caused by the economic crisis. They called on the Democrats to increase the welfare grants.


By Jess Sundin

Protesting in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

St. Paul, MN – More than 100 rallied here Nov. 16 to protest Israel’s attack on Gaza, which has been escalating since it began two days earlier. Protesters lined one of the busiest intersections in Saint Paul, at Summit and Snelling Avenues. The carried Palestinian flags and banners and signs in solidarity with Palestine and in opposition to U.S. support for Israel.


By Brad Sigal

Mobilizing for a "no" vote in South Minneapolis the weekend before the election

Saint Paul, MN – On Nov. 6, Minnesotans voted down two controversial constitutional amendments that conservatives put on the ballot. An amendment that would have made gay marriage unconstitutional was defeated 51.2% to 47.6%. An amendment that would have put restrictive voter ID requirements into the state constitution – an effort to suppress voter turnout – was also defeated, 52.2% to 46.3%.


By staff

Kick-off event held at Ramsey County welfare office

Members of Welfare Rights Committee announce campaign to raise the grants

St. Paul, MN – About 20 members of the Welfare Rights Committee (WRC) gathered at the Ramsey County welfare office, July 26, to announce a campaign to raise the welfare grants in the state of Minnesota.


By Brad Sigal

Protesta de MORENA en Minnesota, 7 de julio 2012

San Pablo, MN – El Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (MORENA) de Minnesota organizó una protesta afuera del consulado mexicano aquí el 7 de julio, protestando reportes de fraude generalizado en la elección presidencial en México el 1 de julio. Hay reportes generalizados de compra de votos, irregularidades con papeletas, y otra clase de fraude. La protesta del 7 de julio en San Pablo coincidió con megamarchas a través de México y en el resto del mundo el mismo día.

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By Brad Sigal

MORENA Minnesota protest, July 7, 2012

Saint Paul, MN – The Minnesota chapter of the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) organized a protest at the Mexican consulate here on July 7, protesting reportedly widespread fraud in the Mexican presidential election that took place on July 1. There are widespread reports of buying of votes, ballot irregularities, and other types of fraud. The July 7 protest in St. Paul coincided with massive protests in Mexico and elsewhere on the same day.


By Kim DeFranco

Members of Welfare Rights Committee protest public financing for Viking's stadiu

Saint Paul, MN – The Welfare Rights Committee and their supporters held a press conference and picket at Governor Mark Dayton’s office, May 11, to demand he veto the Viking's stadium bill.


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St. Paul, MN – In a packed hearing room, more than a dozen legislators heard testimony March 14 on proposed legislation to put a moratorium on home foreclosures and the eviction of tenants from foreclosed properties. Representative Karen Clark and Senator Scott Dibble, authors of the ‘Foreclosure Moratorium, Neighborhood Stabilization & Tenant Protection Bill’ (SF1521 and HF1886) chaired the hearing. The moratorium bill is an initiative of the Minnesota Coalition for a People’s Bailout (MCPBO).


By staff

_Groups slam public subsidies _

St Paul, MN – It was a big day for Vikings owner and New Jersey real estate developer Zygi Wilf at the State Capitol, Jan. 12, when plans were submitted by the City of Minneapolis, Ramsey County and others for a new Vikings football stadium. Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton set Jan. 12 as a deadline for Vikings stadium plans to be considered at the upcoming legislative session. Wilf insists that the public pick up most of the tab for a new stadium