Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Protesters on steps of MN state capitol, with windblown banners, signs & hair.

St. Paul, MN – Fifty protesters gathered on tax day, April 15, on the front steps of the Minnesota state capitol building to demand state government tax the rich and not balance the state budget on the backs of working and low-income people. Organized by the Minnesota Coalition for a People’s Bail Out, speakers included leaders of labor unions, low-income groups and anti-war organizations.


By staff

St. Paul, MN – The first legislative hearing on the Minnesota People’s Bail Out Act (House File 626) was held in the Minnesota House Labor and Consumer Protection Division Committee, March 20.


By staff

People in MN state capitol hallway holding signs & banners for People's Bailout

St. Paul, MN – While state officials announced a record $5.2 billion dollar budget deficit at the State Capitol here, Dec. 4 , about 25 members of the Minnesota Coalition for a People’s Bailout were outside the room chanting, “Hey politicians, here’s the fix! Tax the rich! Tax the rich!”


By mick

Woman speaking on bullhorn in front of MN State Capitol building.

St. Paul, MN – Standing in front of banner reading, “Bail out poor and working people – not billionaires!” leaders of the Welfare Rights Committee announced a campaign to combat the impact of the growing economic crisis at a press conference here, Oct. 29. They were joined by members of AFSCME Local 3800, the Anti-War Committee, Women Against Military Madness and other peace and justice groups.


By mick

Press conference organizers carry banner, "March on the RNC! US Out of Iraq!"

Saint Paul, MN – Local leaders of the Twin Cites peace and justice movement announced their planned march route here at a June 7 press conference. The massive demonstration on Sept. 1, 2008 will coincide with the Republican National Convention. A large map of the march route was displayed.


By Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call for demonstrations at the Republican National Convention. We urge all anti-war and progressive organizations to endorse the protest.


By staff

Saint Paul, MN – The city council here passed a resolution April 4 directing city personnel to ensure the right to political speech and civic debate during the Republican National Convention. The convention is scheduled to take place over Labor Day weekend, 2008.


By mick

Women protesting in front of MN governor's mansion.

St. Paul, MN – Chanting, “Hey Pawlenty here’s the fix: Tax the rich, tax the rich,” more than 50 people rallied in front of the Governor’s Mansion here, June 30 to slam Governor Pawlenty’s plan to cut hundreds of millions from health care, education, local government aid and human services. The protest was organized by the Welfare Rights Committee and backed by the Minnesota Coalition for a People’s Bailout.


By staff

St. Paul, MN – Leaders of the Minnesota Coalition for a People’s Bailout responded to the state budget forecast, March 3. The forecast anticipates a $4 billion deficit, despite the billions that will flow in from the federal stimulus.


By staff

St. Paul, MN – The Minnesota People’s Bailout legislation was introduced in the Minnesota State Senate and House, Feb. 9. Authored by Senator David J. Tomassoni (D-Chisholm), and Representative David Bly (D-Northfield) the Minnesota People’s Bailout Act is a legislative attempt to protect the interests of low-income and working Minnesotans from the worst effects of the deepening economic crisis in Minnesota and the nation.