Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Trump campaign rally disputed

Anti-Trump protesters in Tucson, AZ.

Tucson, AZ – More than 1000 protesters converged on a Tucson Trump campaign rally, March 19. “We were not going to allow for Trump, a promoter of racism, hate and xenophobia to come to Tucson and be unchallenged by the social movements of justice,” says immigrant rights activist Edwards Cott.


By Dalek Pretorius

Thousands rally against Trump in Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake City, UT – 2500 people gathered to protest a Trump rally in Salt Lake City on Friday night, March 19. The University of Utah Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) organized the Dump Trump rally. Protesters began to gather at the Salt Lake City and County Building at 6:00 p.m. What began as a crowd of a few dozen swelled to hundreds, then thousands.


By staff

Tucson, AZ – Protesters have gotten inside the March 19 campaign rally for the right wing billionaire Donald Trump. Some chanted, “No Trump, No KKK, No racist USA.” Riot police have been deployed, and some of the protesters have been removed.


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Salt Lake City, UT – About 2500 people have joined the protest against presidential hopeful Donald Trump this evening, Mach 18, in Salt Lake City. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) is participating in the demonstration.


By staff

Protesters outside of the Republican debate In Miami.

Miami, FL – Over 400 activists, students and workers protested outside of the Republican debate held at the University of Miami, and they all had one clear message: Dump Trump and the entire Republican agenda! Protesters gathered outside of the Saint Bede Episcopal Church on the university’s campus and began their march at 6:30 p.m.


By Joe Iosbaker

Chicago, IL – Donald Trump is bringing his hate tour to the West Side of Chicago this Friday, March 11, with an evening rally at the campus of the University of Illinois (UIC).