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Sharing outputs from a terminal, or even just config files can sometimes be hard. With termbin it's now super easy. Simply enter your command & then add a pipe to termbin at the end.

e.g. cat hello.txt | nc termbin.com 9999

Sharing files is now super easy & quick. If you like you could add the termbin command to a bash alias so that you only need to type “termbin” each time after the pipe. To do this simply open a terminal within your home directory and type “nano .bashaliases”. This will open your bashaliases file or a blank document if it doesn't already exist in nano. Now type or paste in the code shown below.

alias termbin=“| nc termbin.com 9999”

Save the file by pressing “CTRL+O” & then exiting by pressing “CTRL+X”. Close your terminal and then reopen for the alias to take affect. That's basically it. You can now quickly & easily share outputs & config files from the terminal .

#terminal #linux #termbin #share #bashalias #alias

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Ever wanted to download a song without the vocals :? I have and well apparently it's really super easy. All you need is Firefox & wget. Conversion and download times will vary depending on track length.

For this post I'm going to be using Dratna – An Cath (The Battle) (Full EP). An awesome atmospheric black metal ep. You can use whatever you want, be it on youtube or a local file already that you already have saved.

  1. Lets start by opening Vocal Remove Pro.

  2. Once open, upload your music file or paste in the youtube url.

  3. Enter the verification code and start the conversion process.

  4. Once the conversion has completed right click on the page and select Inspect Element.

  5. Using the Inspect Element tool, follow your way through the code until you find the url for the music file. An easy way to do this is to hover & click sections of code and follow the blue trail showing in the web view.

  6. Once you have found the url, copy it and shorten it using bit.ly.

  7. Copy the shortened bit.ly url and open up a new terminal window.

  8. With a new terminal window now open use wget to download the newly converted music file.

wget https://bit.ly/2UIkVgh

Please note that I just happened to stumble upon this randomly. This blog post has been written purely for educational purposes only. It can also be improved.

#musicwithoutvocals #download #terminal #wget #bitly #music

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For those who use xfce, every once in a while xfce4-panel may crash or glitch out. Thankfully you can easily restart the panel with one simple terminal command. Simply open up a terminal window and type in the command below followed by pressing enter. The panel should restart instantly and be working perfectly again.

xfce4-panel -r

#xfce #xfce4panel #Linux #terminal

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Renaming a file or directory while using in the terminal is pretty easy and simple. Simply use the “mv” command adding the original file or directory followed by a space then the new name.

mv /home/user/oldname /home/user/newname

#rename #terminal #xfce4terminal #linux #unix #commandline


ddgr is an awesome command line utility to search DuckDuckGo from the terminal. Unlike the web interface, you can specify the number of search results you would like to see per page. It really is a lot more convenient than scrolling through 30 something search results per page. The interface has been carefully designed to use minimum space without sacrificing readability. Well this is at least true with the default interface. One of the main advantages of us using ddgr over one of the many other command line based search utilities is that DuckDuckGo works over the Tor network. If you seem interested and would like to check out ddgr then either click on the link at the top....

#duckduckgo #search #terminal #commandline #web #tor

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Some people might not know this, but xfce4-terminal can be launched in a quake style drop-down mode. Here's the command.

xfce4-terminal —drop-down

You can easily make it more accessible by binding the above command to a keyboard shortcut.

  • Open “xfce4-setting-manager” from your menu or application finder....

  • Click on the Keyboard icon under Hardware section....

  • Under the application shortcuts tab, click on the add button and type the command above into the provided box....

Now you’re able to press a keyboard shortcut to launch a drop-down Xfce4 terminal. You can click on the button at the bottom right of the terminal window to open the preferences dialog and edit various things.

#Xfce4terminal #Xfce #Linux #Terminal #Quake #Windowmanager